Al-g Problems


Mar 8, 2007
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The closet in your bedroom
I've go just one plant (a Hygrophilia species) and it has Hair algea growing on it. It's no where else in the tank, only on the plant. How do I get rid of the hair algea? :huh:
hair algae is a pain. Either put some phosphate remover in your filter, remove the plant or black out the whole tank for about 24-48 hours....
i managed to lose my hair algae by using a phosphate removal pouch by fluval, and added some flying fox into the tank.(need to be the siamese specie). I also put some japonica shrimp in my tank and after around a week it was totally gone. The shrimp are also great and cleaning up the bottom with any un-eaten food. hope this helps
black out the whole tank for about 24-48 hours....

Won't that damadge the plant? Not to mention the fish.... -_-
I would be a tiny bit worried the plant might take hit from the lack of light, but how do you figure that would in any way effect the fish negativley? They would be absolutely fine for 2 days (and much longer) without any light.

not a bit. You can go 3 or 4 days without light for most plants without major issue.

The fish don't really need any light at all, so a few days without light wont harm them.
ok. I turned the lights off continusly for 3 days. But when I turned it back on the hair algea was still there. Didn't look like it had taken a hit. :(
When people mention 'black outs' it just does not mean just switch the lights off. It means TOTAL darkness in the tank. In otherwords you cover the whole tank in about 10 black bin bags or whatever it takes and LEAVE IT TOTALLY ALONE for 3 days. NO PEEKING.

But this rarely works in the long term: You'll still have the problem that caused the algae in the first place.

Algae has to be fed. Otherwise it dies. Trick is therefore not to feed it thereby inhibiting the damn stuff.

Q) how mature is your tank & filter?
Q) what substrate have you got?
Q) how much do you feed?
Q) have you got any plants?
Q) What lights do you use? How long are they on for? Size of tank please?

These questions all centre around a common theme: excess nutrients in the tank that the algae feed off. Ammonia being the Prime suspect.

When people mention 'black outs' it just does not mean just switch the lights off. It means TOTAL darkness in the tank. In otherwords you cover the whole tank in about 10 black bin bags or whatever it takes and LEAVE IT TOTALLY ALONE for 3 days. NO PEEKING.


Ok, obviously I had not put my tank in complete darkness. I just turned the lights off and that was

Q) how mature is your tank & filter? -A) My tank's been running for a year and 2 months
Q) what substrate have you got? -A) Gravel
Q) how much do you feed?-A)I use to feed twice dail, but since posting this topic I've been feeding once a day.
Q) have you got any plants? -A)Yes 1 Hygrophilia Polysperma, and it came with the hair algea. the only LFS that sells aquatic plants has most of thier plants covered in hair algea. So you see I'm very limited in getting a "clean" plant.
Q) What lights do you use? How long are they on for? Size of tank please?- A) Umm not so sure about the lights, but (if this is of any relevence) I've had the same lights that came with the tank. Tank itself is a small 10 gallon with 4 harlequins and 3 platys ( the average 1:2 ratio.). The Harlequins have been in the tank for ummm.....somewhere between 5-2 months and the platies I think ....was..somewhere like 2 months maybe?
A) My tank's been running for a year and 2 months
Good. that means it should be stable and the filter well established. As a general recommendation, can you add Zeolite to your filter?

A) Gravel
Just about useless for plants apart from its anchoring abilites. Good tip to avoid algae is to tape up the sides of the tank to the level of the substate - don't let light hit the sides of the substate.

A)I use to feed twice dail, but since posting this topic I've been feeding once a day.
Good. Excess uneaten food will rot down & produce ammonia which is a major cause for algae.

A)Yes 1 Hygrophilia Polysperma, and it came with the hair algea.
That's your problem right there. IF you want plants, you'll need to go the whole hog really. One or two covered in algae will only get you... algae.
Q) Do you REALLY want plants? <- major bottom-line question really.

...the only LFS that sells aquatic plants has most of thier plants covered in hair algea. So you see I'm very limited in getting a "clean" plant.
Limited? Why? Last place I'd buy plants from is a LFS, even the good ones seem to keep the most crap plants - poor specimens, over priced, badly kept, covered in algae & poxy snails. Buy on-line from places like Greenline - my recent order 2 weeks ago was A-OK - no algae and no damn snails.

A) Umm not so sure about the lights, but (if this is of any relevence) I've had the same lights that came with the tank.
No good for growing plants then really, and probably pretty poor at bringing the colours out in your fish.

You say your tank has been running for 1yr 2monts, yet your stock is only 5 months old. Have you had a recent revamp then?

A) My tank's been running for a year and 2 months
Good. that means it should be stable and the filter well established. As a general recommendation, can you add Zeolite to your filter?

Q) Do you REALLY want plants? <- major bottom-line question really.


No good for growing plants then really, and probably pretty poor at bringing the colours out in your fish.

You say your tank has been running for 1yr 2monts, yet your stock is only 5 months old. Have you had a recent revamp then?


Indefinetly. I really really want my tank to be planted. Tryin to go for the natural look 8)

So I have to change the tube right? I don't know how soon I might be able to get to that but i'll try as soon as possible. -_-

I had tried a "not so fishless cycle". :X This was before I had joined this forum so please forgive for the deaths of various :( : Rainbow fish, goldfish, Bolivian rams, Mollies, ....umm...what else?.....umm... Oh yeah, 3 harlequin rasboras and ....and...Ahhh. I can't go on! :grr: Too painfull to remember my "evil" days. Needless to day; eversince I joined this forum I'am now properly stocking and maintaining my tank (well atleast trying to maintain. Curse you Hair Algea!!!)After I had finally obtained the nessessary knowlage from this forum , I got rid of all the previous sickly and deathly looking fish and stocked with the Platies and Rasbors, finally at peace with my tank. B)

So now you know. -_- There you have it. The (almost) complete saga of Zeoth.

I'll have a look into that website you mentioned. But since I'am just a teenager(I know I know please don't smirk or laugh) it's mostly my Dad who supplies my Aquarium parts and such(After I tell him what to buy of course!). The bad thing is, si that he does not trust online shopping one bit. So it's very unlikly that I might be able to buy plants over the internet :sad:

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