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  1. fishboy619

    Fish For A 2 1/2 Gallon Tank

    no fish, onlu shrimps. even bettas dont belong in there.
  2. fishboy619


    keep them till bigger then sell them
  3. fishboy619

    Betta Tattoo

    jesus what a lovely betta, :drool: bet its worth a load though. good idea to get a tattoo of something you love and is your passion, than a silly one that means nothing.
  4. fishboy619

    Cory Substrate

    glad your enjoying watching them, good choice changing to sand,
  5. fishboy619

    Small Tanks

    that would be a tricky one, but here in UK, bettas arent kept in cups, usally in tanks with other fish (usally the wrong fish, fish nippers etc) of course i wouldnt risk the bettas health for a bigger tank, but i would probally use my old 3 gallon shrimp tank and add the betta to that, keep him...
  6. fishboy619

    Betta Pixel Graphics

    you might regret asking as people are going to post loads of betta pictures for you, lol
  7. fishboy619

    Can Too Much Dechlorinator Kill Fish?

    i got bored of measuring too, just squirt a bit in, after so long, you can judge the amount thats right, i dont think slightly underdosing or overdosing effects the fish, with python that adds water to the tank, the fish must be in tap water for a bit before water treatment is added anyway. if...
  8. fishboy619

    Small Tanks

    the lowest i will go for any betta is 5 gallons, they are either alone in their tanks, or with ottos and snails or shrimp, any which i can move to other tanks, so my bettas can be treated with meds in the tank. so i dont need to have a temporary housing for my bettas. i hate to see bettas in...
  9. fishboy619

    Oooo Guppy Companions Oooo

    clown loaches in a 45 gallon, i dont think so. tetras will live happily with guppies, so will other livebearers. cories are fine, and hatchets, rasboras, kuhliis, and pieceful community fish.maybe it would be easier to let us know what you want to put in, and we can say if its good or not.
  10. fishboy619

    Suggestions For 5 Gallon Hex

    dont post unhelpful links please james, dwarf puffers and leaf fish are both unsuitable to live in a 5gallon tank with frogs. i think what i meant was try your betta out, but as he flares alot it might not be a good idea. go buy another male then, try to look for one thats with other fish, that...
  11. fishboy619

    Help With A Problem Platy...

    she might be a dwarf and the others proper platies?
  12. fishboy619

    Is This Normal?

    how many cories do you have? CAE are bad fish for communties, usally only good on their own, swap for something else at fish store.
  13. fishboy619

    Some Plants I Found...

    bleach in weak soultion, then quartine for a few weeks, doing another bleach dip every week, then give them a full check over, and they should be fine, make sure no wildlife are on they before removing from stream.
  14. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    jesus what a big bone, lol. looks a great dog. got my heart set on a lab now. still after a husky one day
  15. fishboy619

    Why Not Get Together One Weekend This Summer

    i live in westyorkshire, and as im young and cant drive i have to rely on either of my parents taking me, i would love to come, but it needs to be a place near by, i understand the location isnt going to suit everyone.
  16. fishboy619

    Cory Substrate

    wow, it looks great. i loke the rock/cave thing. and the woods good too. well done mate
  17. fishboy619

    Females With Snails/shrimp?

    snails will probally be fine, depending on betta itself. the shrimp may be harrassed, or left alone, the cherries are most vunerable, being smallest, maybe eaten.
  18. fishboy619

    Suggestions For 5 Gallon Hex

    i agree with tessla, try your betta out first, male or female bettas, doesnt matter, both can be nice or nasty.
  19. fishboy619

    Fry Tank

    i dont think brine shrimp are sea monkeys, might be the baby version. you might be able to feed the brine shrimp from day one, but they could be bigger then the frys mouth, and they might not ba able to catch them. feeding crushed flakes is a sure way they are getting anout food, it doesnt move...
  20. fishboy619

    Suggestions For 5 Gallon Hex

    bettas are the best option to go with ADF's. (frogs) but you could try some smaller fish:, again most if not all are hard to get a hold of, and some might no be suited to live with frogs, research them first. maybe a sparkling gouramies. or ever bumblee...
  21. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    well unfortunly some one else got the black lab, but its good for me, some rich guy is boarding him female black lab, and it was pregant, i say WAS, as it had 10 pups on friday night, 2 died, but 6 females and 2 males all healthy, female doing well too. hes selling the pups, but as we are...
  22. fishboy619

    7 Giant African Land Snails

    try selling them on ebay or something, thats where i got mine from
  23. fishboy619

    Up & Running!

    not a bad tank. may i suggest getting some more plants, maybe real ones. im a fan of well planted tanks, and it may reduce the bettas aggression with the other fish (if they is any) what other fish are you planning on adding?
  24. fishboy619

    A Pic Of My Suckerfish His Name Is Slippery

    just a word of warning, they grow big and get aggressive. they will attack fish and stop eating algea when older. they are a bad choice for small tanks and should be returned to the fish shop. try some ottos for algea eaters. (research them first)
  25. fishboy619

    Help With A Problem Platy...

    im not sure, but i used to have a trio of platies (2F,1M) and when i removed the male, one female was chasing and acting aggressive towards the other female. they both swim fine and eat well. they have plenty of room and lots of plants. i was thinking of buying a few more females too, but wasnt...
  26. fishboy619

    Look What I Just Bought. Sooooooo Happy :)

    looks a good tank, even better with fish, plants, decor, etc.
  27. fishboy619

    Fry Tank

    i use one of those medium storage tubs,about 2 gallon. with a heater and sponge filter. it has no substrate, but some floating plants, a few fake plants and an extra cave i had. i give it weekly water changes (more depending on amount of fry it has in) it stays at 25oC. i feed crushed flakes...
  28. fishboy619

    Otto's And Algae

    i sometimes get a bit, either use the cretid card way, or sometimes my common snails can be seen eating it i think. ottos only really eat brown algea. the greenish algea is usally cause by over lighting.
  29. fishboy619

    7 Giant African Land Snails

    i bought 2 of them a while ago off ebay. they looked intresting. placed in an used fish tank and aretill alive. i am surprised. i feed them veg and cuttle bone. they are massive now. little annoyed they are taking up one of my fish tanks, but they're not that bad. leave slime trails everywhere...
  30. fishboy619

    Apparently Im Not Meant To Have Hasbrosus :(

    maybe these are the 2 your meant to have then. i hope they survive. get your water tested, i dont often get it checked, only when a fish dies or im having problems which hasnt happened often.if everything is fine after 6 months, i get it checked anyway to be safe.
  31. fishboy619

    Baby Bunnies

    you really should have found homes before breeding them. what species are they? where you located? price?
  32. fishboy619

    Shrimp Help!

    looks like a ghost shrimp. common in fish stores. will live of leftovers, and maybe drop a bottom feeder wafer or pellet in now and again. will graze on algea, but cant live of it. wont be bothered by guppies or mollies. plec should leave alone too.
  33. fishboy619


    whats a rabbitry? is it where rescued rabbits stay? i help out at a rescue shelter for guinea pigs and bunnies.aswell as hedgehogs.
  34. fishboy619

    Best Type Of Snail

    like everyone says, it depends on the situation. maylsian trumpet snails are good for stiring up the sand and helping stop gas pockets forming, also east left overs and dying leaves. they reproduce quickley and hard shells make bad food choice for snail eaters. ramshorn snails are good as the...
  35. fishboy619

    My New Aquarium

    lovely tank, looks very good. pleased for you that the plants are growing well. what happened to the dwarf frog? they really need to be in pairs at the least.
  36. fishboy619

    What Species?

    its the species that matter, not the color. as mommyof2bettas said, as they are both platies, they will usally hang near each other, the colors dont matter,
  37. fishboy619

    5 Gallon

    guppies need bigger tanks than 5g IMO. atleast 10. i dont agree with keeping bettas in 1g jars, but thats a different topic. as much as there is many fish that can live happily in a 5g tank, i myself would suggest a shrimp tank as the top option too. they are lots of species of shrimps to chose...
  38. fishboy619

    5 Gallon

    i wouldnt devide a 5g, that only leaves 2.5 gallons for each betta, too small IMO. a full 5 gallon with just 1 betta, a group of dwarf cories, ottos and maybe some shrimp would look nice.
  39. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    nto sure what happened. snails still need to be fed, water changed and looked after. i keep mine in a 1 gallon, with lots of plant cuttings (what i would usally bin) and feed algea wafers ever 2 days, removing the leftovers. and ive them 50% water change every week. seems a lot, but i want my...
  40. fishboy619

    Apparently Im Not Meant To Have Hasbrosus :(

    do you float the bag in the water or tip them right in? just asking. what is your water quality?