Apparently Im Not Meant To Have Hasbrosus :(


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
my first trio:
1 died in the bag on the way home
1 died the next day
1 died a week later
no symptoms at all

my second trio:
1 died a week later, no symptoms
2 others remain, perfectly active and eating

Although you said there are no symptoms, it could be your water parameter or tank set up is not right for them. If they are indeed acceptable, they could be died from other cause.
Such as stress from the trip to your home not long after they had trip to store and hadn't recover from the first trip yet. That is why you have better chance of adopting new fish to your home if the fish has been at the store for a while. So it is always good idea to check/ask how long the fish has been in the store before you make the purchase. Also I would avoid the fish just came in the store. Usually store have certain stock day once or week or twice if the store is busy. I usually find those day and go 1 or 2 days before their stock day. So hopefully the most of the fish has been in the store for at lease 4~5 days. It probably better to be longer but not always work. Also most likely the slimmer selection. But they would be stronger survivers and hopefully they are the one recovering from the long stressful trip.
Also it would be better to get the fish from other local hobbiest. Their fish would be better taken care of as well as less stressful shorter trip and similar water parameter(since most likely they are kept in local tap) thus easier acclimation. After all they love their hobby and less bussiness of store. I sometime get the fish from other aquarium members. They usually have auction and maybe some advertisement and such. And it usually cost less also. They don't have all the fish in the store but they may have something you been looking for. You never know.
Well, this is just my 2 cents. Good luck find the healthy fish.
i got them from wildwoods, who always quarantine their fish for a week or so before putting them on the shop floor. i don't blame the shop, their stock, apart from the odd shoddy guppy, are good looking, and they quiz anyone buying.
i got them from about 6 miles from where i live, in london, so about an hours drive -_- yay traffic, but the water parameters should have been the same.

the tank isn't new or anything, been running for about a year now and has a breeding group of endlers in it who are fine and dandy.
i floated the bags for half an hour, and dripped water in.
to be honest, i'm a bad girl and never test my water heh :blush:
but i have 12 baby endlers in there who are all doing fine and a bunch of greedy guts.
the tanks been running for about a year.

it's got fine gravel substrate, and planted with a forest of java fern on bogwood, and a poor attempt at riccia on slate.

the remaining two hasbrosus seem fine, constantly active snuffling around the gravel and eating. they all had jellied brine shrimp last night and scoffed it quite happily.
maybe these are the 2 your meant to have then. i hope they survive.
get your water tested, i dont often get it checked, only when a fish dies or im having problems which hasnt happened often.if everything is fine after 6 months, i get it checked anyway to be safe.

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