Fry Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2007
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ok, i have a 4 litre tank for my fry, i have a corner filter ready, any tips on how to set it up? gravel? plants? temperature? cycle? thanks
i dont have any substrate in with my newborn fry, have a few hiding places (plants/caves/etc) i don't have a filter or a heater in mine, i give them water changes twice a week
hope this helps a bit
i dont have any substrate in with my newborn fry, have a few hiding places (plants/caves/etc) i don't have a filter or a heater in mine, i give them water changes twice a week
hope this helps a bit
i have heater anf filter so i may aswel use them? why do they need places to hide if there are no preditors in there? just for comfort? how long do they need to be in there and can you give me a rough weekly feeding plan?
well if you have them theres no harm using them, the hiding places are just to make them feel more secure, as for feeding, most people say 2/3 times a day but i have had no trouble with mine feeding them once a day or even every other day, and i feed mine on finely crushed flake
well if you have them theres no harm using them, the hiding places are just to make them feel more secure, as for feeding, most people say 2/3 times a day but i have had no trouble with mine feeding them once a day or even every other day, and i feed mine on finely crushed flake
ok, wats all this i keep hearing about "brineshrimp"?
i use one of those medium storage tubs,about 2 gallon. with a heater and sponge filter. it has no substrate, but some floating plants, a few fake plants and an extra cave i had. i give it weekly water changes (more depending on amount of fry it has in) it stays at 25oC.
i feed crushed flakes usally, but baby brine shrimp when they are a few weeks old. if fed live, the brine shrimps will swim around, giving the fry something to "hunt".
i use one of those medium storage tubs,about 2 gallon. with a heater and sponge filter. it has no substrate, but some floating plants, a few fake plants and an extra cave i had. i give it weekly water changes (more depending on amount of fry it has in) it stays at 25oC.
i feed crushed flakes usally, but baby brine shrimp when they are a few weeks old. if fed live, the brine shrimps will swim around, giving the fry something to "hunt".
do you think i should feed the fry brinshrimp for the 1st few weeks then move onto crushed flake? or a mixture? i would rather feed them brineshrimp just to see them chase em :p but is that bad for them constantly brien shrimp? also, is brine shrimp sea monkeys?
i dont think brine shrimp are sea monkeys, might be the baby version. you might be able to feed the brine shrimp from day one, but they could be bigger then the frys mouth, and they might not ba able to catch them. feeding crushed flakes is a sure way they are getting anout food, it doesnt move.
i think fry live of yoke for the first few days anyway? still, i dont feed on day one, usally on day 2 or 3 i put food in. never any problems that way. i dont think its bad just feeding brine shrimp, but a varied diet is better.
i would feed crushed flakes at first, they offer brine shrimp to eat, if the amount of brine shrimps is going down, its good, if not, offer flakes again and try at a later date.
Another fry tank set up would be a HOB filter that has a tank divider. The divider seperates 1/4 of the tank for the filter so no fry die, and the 3/4 would not have a large current and a small terra cotta clay pot on its side for a hideout, barebottom for syphoning purposes.
i feed my fry on grindal worms some of the worms are abit big and they just leave them but most are a good size for them to eat. the i move them on to a mix of crushed flakes, grindals, and choped bloodworms
feed mine on really ground down flake from born seems to work a treat for me have 2 corries and a wild pair of bristlenoses to eat whats left

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