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  1. howard_hopkinson

    Please Read!

    If all else fails, you should be able to take it back to your LFS.
  2. howard_hopkinson

    What Light Bulb Shows Up Dwarf Neon Rainbows Best?

    I'm quite fond of the Arcadia Original Tropical Lamp. It definitely brings out the reds and blues of my fish. My plants seem to like it too and grow very well.
  3. howard_hopkinson

    Best Job For A Fish Keeper?

    I voted for other and here's why. I enjoy mu hobby immensely, but if I had to do it as a job, then I think it would detract from the pleasure I get from doing it just as a hobby, if that makes sense.
  4. howard_hopkinson

    Do You Eat Fish?

    Yes I eat fish. Salmon, Tuna, Cod and Haddock are my favourites.
  5. howard_hopkinson

    Water Test Help!

    Are you using a liquid test kit or test strips? The reason I ask is test strips are notoriously inaccurate.
  6. howard_hopkinson

    Upgrade Glitches

    After clicking on View New Content, any thread I click on automatically opens at the last post, which means one has to scroll back up, possibly to the first post. This only appears to happen when clicking on a thread title. If a thread has multiple pages and I click on a thread page number, it...
  7. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    Sorry for all the posts, but there was/is a forum glitch. Please will a mod delete all my duplicate posts.
  8. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way too small for that poor fish, it's cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  9. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way to small for that poor fish and it's cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  10. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way to small for that poor fish and it's cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  11. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way too small for that poor fish and it's very cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  12. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way to small for that poor fish and it's very cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  13. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way to small for that poor fish and it's very cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  14. howard_hopkinson

    Too Small!?

    That's way to small for that poor fish and it's very cruel to keep it in such a confined space.
  15. howard_hopkinson

    Do Tail Fins Grow Back

    The correct way to deal with a nasty fish is to rehome it, not flush it down the toilet, which is extremely cruel. Never ever flush a live fish down the toilet.
  16. howard_hopkinson

    Do Tail Fins Grow Back

    Providing the fin nipping stops, yes they will grow back.
  17. howard_hopkinson

    How Long Are Medicines Good For?

    Maybe send them an email via their contact us page. As far as I'm aware, most Medications have a useful shelf life and after that they either don't work or can actually become harmful.
  18. howard_hopkinson

    How Long Are Medicines Good For?

    If the bottles don't have an expiry date on them, I would seriously consider contacting the manufacturer and asking them. I wouldn't be too keen on using meds that were 8 years old, without knowing for a fact whether it was safe to do so.
  19. howard_hopkinson

    Um Is This The New Permanant Layout ?

    One thing I have noticed and really don't like is this. After clicking on View New Content, any thread I click on automatically opens at the last post, which means one has to scroll back up, possibly to the first post. This only appears to happen when clicking on a thread title. If I click on a...
  20. howard_hopkinson

    New Fluval G Filter

    They look pretty cool, but the price tag will be beyond a lot of peoples budgets. £299.99 for the G3 and £349.99 for the G6, not exactly pocket money.
  21. howard_hopkinson

    Um Is This The New Permanant Layout ?

    I'm afraid I really don't like the new style at all. I find it somewhat hard to read, due to the smaller text size and some of the colours of the text are very pale. I liked the old style much better and have always been of the opinion, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My monitor resolution...
  22. howard_hopkinson

    I Just Had To Tell You.

    Good for you mate. I can see why you're pleased.
  23. howard_hopkinson

    Test Kit

    I also recommend the API master test kit.
  24. howard_hopkinson

    20 Year Old Plecostomus, Free (please, Otherwise It'll End Up In A

    The fact that the OP posted on the 1st of August, unfortunately means the deed has probably been done by now.
  25. howard_hopkinson

    How Can I Enhance The Colour Of My Fish?

    I have had very good results using Tetra Pro Colour, it definitely seems to work. In fact it's the only flake food I use.
  26. howard_hopkinson

    Final Bubbles After Priming

    Like you, I always tilt the filter a few times and give it a shake to help expel any trapped air. Works well for me.
  27. howard_hopkinson

    Does The Filter For My Betta Need To Have Carbon?

    I'm with bitteraspects on this. You don't need carbon, or any other chemical media unless you specifically need to clear some chemicals out of the water.
  28. howard_hopkinson

    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Never ever trust what any LFS tells you without first doing a thorough Google search and or posting here first. A lot of LFS's are only interested in sales and profits and don't actually know what they are talking about.
  29. howard_hopkinson

    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Chocolate Gouramis are some of the hardest, most sensitive fish to keep and often fall sick and die even in well established tanks. Google Chocolate Gouramis and you'll soon see what I mean.
  30. howard_hopkinson

    What kind of camera do you have?

    And your point is? For newer members, I think this thread is still relevant. At the moment I use a Fuji Finepix AB20 compact. It's ok but not brilliant.
  31. howard_hopkinson

    Is This Common

    I would say that if some of your Zebras are the result of cross breeding, then it would explain why you get some Leopards from time to time. There also seems to be some discussion as to whether the Leopard is a separate species or is a natural variation. If it's the latter, then it makes sense...
  32. howard_hopkinson

    What Is Your Favourite Fish

    I'd have to say my Angel fish are my favourites.
  33. howard_hopkinson

    Fish F@rts?

    Yes, some fish do expel air, though they most definitely aren't farting in the normal sense of the word.
  34. howard_hopkinson

    Angels Behaving Like Little Devils

    Angel fish can be very aggressive and territorial, especially once they reach maturity. You could try rearranging the tank as this will naturally rearrange the fishes territories, making sure you provide plenty of refuge places. If that doesn't work, then I suggest you're only option is to...
  35. howard_hopkinson

    Why do you keep fish?

    Yup, but still quite relevant I think, especially for newer members like myself. ;)
  36. howard_hopkinson

    Why do you keep fish?

    I keep fish cause I'm too lazy to take a dog for a walk. In all seriousness, I love the fact that the aquarium becomes a focal point of the room and sitting there watching the fish is just so relaxing. I also like the learning aspect of it all. Hence the reason I became a member here, where I...
  37. howard_hopkinson

    Fish That Get Really Excited!

    My fish do that too, particularly my angel fish. They come straight to the front of the tank the moment they see me move lol. I'd like to think it's because their pleased to see me, but in reality, I know it's because they think I'm going to feed them.
  38. howard_hopkinson

    Bad Idea To Put A Fresh Water Sting Ray In My Tropical Fish Tank ?

    I'd say yes, it's bad idea. First they grow very large and secondly they will tend to eat any other fish they can fit in their mouth. Also, as these fish are venomous, great care is needed. They are also known to be a demanding fish to keep and require extremely good water quality. For some...
  39. howard_hopkinson

    Cycling With Danios

    If I were you, I would consider doing a fishless cycle as it's much easier and a lot kinder. Check out this thread HERE. I did a fish in cycle myself and though I didn't lose a single fish, the amount of work involved in doing lots and lots of water changes was mind numbing. If and when I...
  40. howard_hopkinson

    Was I Ripped Off?

    I'd say you have paid too much and the first GBR you bought was around the correct price.