Fish That Get Really Excited!


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
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Manchester UK
whenever i go near the tank or move my arm near it they go mad swimming towards it at the top! are they hungry or just happy to see me?!
My first thought is hungry but its hard to tell. Could just be instinct now for them, when they see movement... food comes so they go to where it would be. Instead of being hungry they think are about to be fed.

My 2 cents. Only an opinion though.
My first thought is hungry but its hard to tell. Could just be instinct now for them, when they see movement... food comes so they go to where it would be. Instead of being hungry they think are about to be fed.

My 2 cents. Only an opinion though.

I think hungry but also they like to check out that is going on around them.
My fish do that too, particularly my angel fish. They come straight to the front of the tank the moment they see me move lol.

I'd like to think it's because their pleased to see me, but in reality, I know it's because they think I'm going to feed them.
Fish are always hungry! The greedy little so and so's!

It's probably learnt behaviour. They know that whe you get close to the tank they you usually put food in so they'll swim to the top to get the food.

They are probably happy to see you and hopeful of being fed! :good:
It is learned behavior. They associate you with food. My fish only get excited for me. When my wife or my daughter come close they just ignore them, but If I come close they go crazy.
Yeh I agree - my angels dance for me when I'm near the tank. I call it their wiggle dance but I know it's the "helloooo...feed us!" dance lol.

Although weirdly they aren't specific to me with it, even though I'm the only one who feeds them - they also do it for the kids, and have even danced for the cat a couple of times... :lol:
since we've had a few deaths they've stopped doing it so much but all of ours used to come up to the front of the tank and the clown loach used to do their "dance" at the front of the tank. also our little guppy who's the only one left (he's been through whitespot, nitrates, being chewed) like's to swim through your hands if you dip your fingers in the top of the tank and will sit and rest on your palm. and also some of the platties like to suck off the air bubbles that form on my arm when i stick my arm in for tank maintanance. it really tickles = ]
My barbs and loaches go ballistic when I pass the tank. It's a complete visual interpretation of FEED ME NAAOOOOWWWWW!
hahahahaha =D

mine must think that they have never been fed! greedy little so and sos, though it does make me smile when they all charge to top front of the tank and my big hoplo cat comes in and barges them out of the way =]

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