Why do you keep fish?

I got my fish tank because I needed something relaxing to do in the evening after work. Now I have a bunch of tanks/fish and a heck of a lot less stress! I like to clean the tanks, it makes me feel good to take care of them (I have cats, but they don't let me clean them :p ).

I also really like learning new things, so I buy lot's of fish magazines.

So basically, fishkeeping satisfies a lot of my needs and my fish get extra special care. We all win!

Oh, yeah, and they're also neat to watch, espeacially my Betta with "his" corys!
I fell in love with my bf's red devil when I moved in with him. It was the first time I realized that fish do have a personality, just like other pets. I love the way they come up and beg for food, and watching them dart around and eat it. Big red used to come up and nibble on my finger when I put it in the water,lol.I agree with what someone said about keeping not just fish, but a little enviroment. Mostly I just find it relaxing to watch them swim around. It just makes you forget about the crap day you had at work. :D
:rolleyes:I got my first fish because my grandson wanted a fish so bad that I finally said ok..then I got hooked. I now have 3 tanks and I love them..I think my favorites are my tiger barbs and my drawf groumins...my tiger barbs are so cute they dart in and out of the wood (fake)limb I have and they sleep against the back of the tank all in a row with there heads facing down..
A suggestion from my gp to help with my depression. Now I'm an addict :nod:
Besides the trance like quality of fish watching, I mostly did this to have a hobby I could share with my girlfriend. We have a lot of fun working on it together, and gives her a focus for her during the gardening off-season.

We are hooked now, and plan to get a larger tank in the fall when the gardening season winds down and we are looking for more indoor activities.


I am a complete newbie really, My sister's boyfriend got me into the whole fishy business as he has a degree in marine biologist and is very enthused by fish and crustacians.

i had a five gallon for 1 yr and was never really bothered to be honest, then my daughter picked a bala shark one day two weeks ago. i checked online to see if tank was big enough for him(obviously not, i now know), starting looking at tanks and got totally hooked. managed to get 4ft for 50 quid. went bit mad and bought 10 neons 6 danios 1 black tail 1 bala1 fighter and an angel. been tortured for my stupidity for 2 weeks now with serious water changes but havent lost any fish and nearly cycled now. still cant put my finger on why its so enjoyable keeping fish. but who cares bout the why. its grrrrreat :good:
It's my hobby. I love the learning part of it. I love watching the fish interact. I like to have a little underwater world to watch and put together. It's relaxing to watch the fish and fun setting the tank up and getting new fish. I even kind of like cleaning the tanks too.

I love seeing my 10 month old watch the fish.
I keep fish cause I'm too lazy to take a dog for a walk.

In all seriousness, I love the fact that the aquarium becomes a focal point of the room and sitting there watching the fish is just so relaxing.

I also like the learning aspect of it all. Hence the reason I became a member here, where I have already learned lots of good stuff.
It all started when my uncle took my fishing when I was young. After that I wanted to keep all the fish we caught but he wouldn't let me. My dad had a small tank (not very informed about keeping fish, he kept an angle fish in a 2.5 gallon tank) but he never let me look at it because well lets just say he lost many fish because of me. So that year my dad surprises me with a new 25 gallon tank and I was and still am amazed at how they swim and how gracefully they make it look.
I have a greyhound (in my pic) and i absolutely love him but i love my fishies the same. I love watching them swim around and through the plants and chase each other lol they are so calming. And tanks come in so many different sizes, colours and shapes and soooo many different plants and fishies :D

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