Bad Idea To Put A Fresh Water Sting Ray In My Tropical Fish Tank ?


New Member
May 30, 2009
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i have a 55 gal freshwater tank it has
a bunch of fish such as
gold dojo loach
neon tetras (smallest fish)
assortment of other fish i have about 20 some fish in there

but any way i went to the fish store today and the guy had a stingray it wasnt really that big but its big compared to the fish i have he said its a bottom feeder
any way i thought it was really cool and i want to buy it but im scared it will kill my fish the guy said it probaly wont eat any of my fish buy he cant guarantee it

what do you guys think
FW stingrays are a specialists type of fish. They need sand substrate and perfect water. I assume these are teacup stingrays? They need a large wide tank, bigger than a 55, at 6 feet long and 30 inches wide being adequate. (source The Stingray Source)
I'd say yes, it's bad idea.

First they grow very large and secondly they will tend to eat any other fish they can fit in their mouth.

Also, as these fish are venomous, great care is needed.

They are also known to be a demanding fish to keep and require extremely good water quality.

For some more info, have a look HERE.
ill go talk to the guy again and find out what kind of ray it is and some dont even have stingers do they
ill go talk to the guy again and find out what kind of ray it is and some dont even have stingers do they

Regardless of what type it is, your tank is at least 125G too small
Also All of your fish would be eaten by the stingray
all freshwater rays are venomous

and a 6x2x2 is a minimum size for even the smaller rays.

everything in your tank is on the menu as nothing is big enough to escape at night

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