Do Tail Fins Grow Back


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
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I have new angel fish who have had their fins nipped off. Will they grow back?
It was either the plattys or the sword fish that did it. One of them has been taking out all my fish.

Yup, just like a wound that you have will heal, so will the fishes fins.

Hi not sure but i do know that my platy is the only fish I have had to flush down the loo. Very narky fish with an attitude. Always seem to be looking for someone to terrorize.
The correct way to deal with a nasty fish is to rehome it, not flush it down the toilet, which is extremely cruel.

Never ever flush a live fish down the toilet.
No,its not too late at all. Trade in you nippy fish. To speed up the healing of the fins,add some aquarium salt...only 1/4 dose then add stress coat.Both would be best,but if you have one or the other that will do too. :good:
I have the self same problem with platys,have a nice juvenile Angel who tail fin has been nipped.I have just added some treatment to the tank,which will hopefully aid the recovery of the tail fin.Never flush fish down the toilet that is very cruel.

Try taking them back to the LFS,most will take them back from you,but not pay you for the privelege.

Jon :rolleyes:
I flush a guppy down the toilet once, but made sure it had a quick kill, like I believe a quick blow to the brain with a heavy book. If that if cruel to you all, I thought it was a quick effective way insted of letting the guppy die of terrorism by velvet
Lol, Some gold fish was flushed down the toilet and ended up alive in the sewage

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