Search results

  1. Gilli

    Is This Fish Fry?

    Hard to see from the photo but they look like snails eggs?. Gouramis build bubble nests for their eggs before they lay. Sounds to me like the gourami may have died died from gourami disease (they swell up and die).
  2. Gilli

    Why Don't People Understand :(

    You stick to your guns! Its refreshing to see someone who actually cares more about fish than profit!!
  3. Gilli

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Hard to see - not enough of th loach to be able to tell but the shrimp looks like an Amano shrimp. You can tell the sex  - females have elongate spots, more a broken line than individual spots really, while males have round spots running along their bodies.   Shrimp will need very good water...
  4. Gilli

    Drip Leak

        Thanks for this - have looked at it bt it seems to be a builders silicone - is it safe for fish???
  5. Gilli

    Drip Leak

    AARRGGHH I thought as much. I think I will lower the water level by half and see if I can get it dry enough to put the new silicone round the rim. If not I guess its the plastic tub for my fish for 24 hours at least! thanks guys!
  6. Gilli

    Platy Twitching/jerking

    Sounds like it might be the 'shimmies' caused by your poor water quality. Fish suffering from the shimmies rock from side to side, an action known as shimmying. There are often other odd postural or behavioral traits associated with the shimmies, including clamped fins, head shaking, yawning...
  7. Gilli

    Drip Leak

    I have a large tank that has a plastic band around the top of the glass and a lid. It has developed a small condensation leak whereby just in one spot on the outside it drips slightly (even though its above the water level) and runs down the front of the tank drying with a watermark. Ive tried...
  8. Gilli

    I Don't Understand Cichlids

        Alas I only have one Bosemani left now who is fully grown - had him about 4 years now . I  also have x 3 dwarf  electric blue rainbow fish that are around 2 years old you can just about see them in the picture.
  9. Gilli

    I Don't Understand Cichlids

        No I have a pair of kribs male and female - you can only see him in my sig pic. Nope they dont bother anyone - just chase fish  away from where they occassionally lay eggs if anyone gets too close, but other than that it is a peaceful tank. Even my fully grown black tailed shark is a chilled...
  10. Gilli

    Ebay Overstock :(

        Doubt it! - sounds like he doesnt have any interest on it at all or care about its welfare  - I say HURRY UP WITH THE KIDNAPPING!!!
  11. Gilli

    I Don't Understand Cichlids

    Character is the appeal!
  12. Gilli

    Online Ordering?

    Try Ebay for your country  - there are plenty of bargins to be had and you can check out the feedback to see if they are reliable. They should come in a sturdy box, packed in a double plastic bag (incase of spits) filled with oxygen and then placed on top of heat pads to keep them warm. They...
  13. Gilli

    Ebay Overstock :(

        Looks like an unfiltered bowl to me - my bet is it doesnt usually look that pristine either and that hes cleaned it up for the photo - no decoration - nothing!
  14. Gilli

    Was At The Fish Shop Yesterday......

    What it really boils down to is whether people actually care about fish welfare. There is no excuse for ignornace - you can find any information you need either at the touch of a button online,  or even if you dont have the internet (which is rare these days) you can buy a book or borrow one...
  15. Gilli

    What To Do ?

    You really need to test your water to know whats going on - what are your stats? If you dont have a testing kit get one asap - (anyone who keeps fish needs it anyway or how do you know what needs fixing if problems arise?). In the meantime big daily water changes until you know your stats are good.
  16. Gilli


    Buy a couple of moss balls - they contain lots permanently and they are very cheap. If you cant get one at your local FS then go on Ebay.
  17. Gilli

    Does This Make You Sad?

    Yeah - just added my take on the crap!! LOL
  18. Gilli

    What Exactly Is My Assasin Snail Meant To Be Doing?

    Yeah I realise that - but Malaysian trumpet snails are small and very narrow can assassins deal with them?
  19. Gilli

    Cheap Tanks

    Ebay! Some real bargains on there both new and used!
  20. Gilli


    You can buy a large range of slate and in different colours shapes and sizes dirt cheap from your local garden center and they are harmless to fish.
  21. Gilli

    What Exactly Is My Assasin Snail Meant To Be Doing?

    so I presume they would be no good for malaysian trumpet snails then if they need to get inside?
  22. Gilli

    Moss Balls

        If you leave it in for up to a week it will contaminate the water  by rotting and going slimey - nothing should be left in the tank for more than 2 days. Cucumber contains no nutrients for BN plecs - they should be fed courgette instead. Make sure you supply algae wafers and frozen live...
  23. Gilli

    Playing Around With A Few Ideas

    Ive had a RT shark in a community tank for about 18 months now with no problems other than he is a bit bullyish at feeding times!
  24. Gilli

    Moss Balls

    moss balls are used because they contain infusoria ( which are minute creatures that fry can feed on), to keep algae down  (as algae compete for the nutrients) , and for decorative purposes.
  25. Gilli

    Fish Now Eating , But Ammonia And Nitrate Reading Help

    Yes! unless you are sure it is 0.Best way to view it is in natural light sideways on
  26. Gilli

    Community Tank Questions

    As Mikey said the "one inch per gallon" is for the average fishkeeper. you need to go by the size they will be when fully grown not the small size you buy them at.   Im assuming you will be doing a fishless cycle before getting all these fish?   Wouldnt get 4 x different lots of gouramis as they...
  27. Gilli

    Fish Now Eating , But Ammonia And Nitrate Reading Help

    Test every day and at least a 50% water change every day until stats are back to 0. If the  toxic levels rise make the daily water changes bigger. Also cut back on feeding as this will make things worse.
  28. Gilli

    Ragged Pleco Caudal Fin

    More likely to be because they squeeze themselves into impossible little niches in the caves and he probably caused himself some damage - mine does the same from time to time. He may have had an argument with the gourami- I also keep 3 spot gouramis and occasionally if the gourami gets in the...
  29. Gilli

    Female German Blue Ram Chasing Male Around

    Because she is bossy!! You will also find if they lay eggs they take turns to guard them,  and if the female thinks she has been left too long before the male returns to take his turn, or if she thinks hes not  is not doing a good enough job  she will bash him!!
  30. Gilli

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    Looks like she is! Female platies can store sperm which is  used to fertilize eggs for a long time after spawning. As a result females are able to release up to six broods following a single mating. Platies are live bearers and after a gestation period of four to seven weeks the females will...
  31. Gilli

    Posting Java Moss

    Im sure the moss balls are fine, but a lot of people buy them because they contain the Infusoria which are microscopic live creatures and  food for fry, and the fact that they are vacuume packed would starve them of oxygen for 24 hours and probably kill them all off.
  32. Gilli

    How Do I Feed My Guppy Fry?

    You can crush some flake food put it in an egg cup with a little of your tank water and drop it in - it will sink straight away and be small enough to be missed by the other fish. Failing that you can buy liquid fry food from your fish shop or online.   Always handy to have a moss ball or 2 if...
  33. Gilli

    Snail Advice!

    If you are not squeemish pick them out squish them between yur fingers and drop them back in - the fish will go mad for them and they are free fish food. Do it to all of them as there will be eggs around which will hatch for a new batch!!
  34. Gilli

    Posting Java Moss moss balls contain Infusoria I would have thought that vacuume packing them would kill it all off??
  35. Gilli

    Where To Buy Fish Online

    I bought 2 lots of khuli loaches from the ebay seller below and they were on time, well packed with heating pads and arrived in tip top condition. Also his delivery prices were really good compared to most ! -  seller was very helpful  ...
  36. Gilli

    Bristlenose Or Albino Cory

    If you want to avoid poop then BN are the worst fish to get. they produce an enormous amount of poo as they will devour a 2 inch lump of courgette a day then poop it all out - they are eating and pooping machines!!
  37. Gilli

    New(Ish) Tank!

    I love plecs - they take no nonsence from anyone! My male BN is the king of my tank. I have a grumpy male krib who when spawning will take on anyone except the plec. He darts forwards as if hes going to give him a go but then backs off! If the plec gets too fed up with him he chases him off...
  38. Gilli

    New(Ish) Tank!

    Im afriad you wont stop the nipping as Serpaes are notorious for it. All you can do if its bad is increase the numbers and that means the nipping is spread around more! Awesome as they look I wouldnt stock them again for that reason.
  39. Gilli

    Newbie Searching For Guidance

    Hi   you may find this thread on this forum handy to answer any questions   Really important to test your water every single day and to be doing at least 50% water changes (or more if your readings are high) every...
  40. Gilli

    Breeding Pair Split?

    What is your water temp? Do you feed them a varied diet as it may be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Rams need a high temp around 80 degrees plus they need excellent water quality - hole in the head can be caused by all these things