Was At The Fish Shop Yesterday......

RCA said:
Does anyone know who licences a fish store in the UK?  I did some research but could not find anything concrete on the subject.
As you are in England, it's the local council. My husband works for a council and a couple of years ago he updated all the council's forms - including the application form for a pet shop licence.
essjay said:
Does anyone know who licences a fish store in the UK?  I did some research but could not find anything concrete on the subject.
As you are in England, it's the local council. My husband works for a council and a couple of years ago he updated all the council's forms - including the application form for a pet shop licence.
What it really boils down to is whether people actually care about fish welfare. There is no excuse for ignornace - you can find any information you need either at the touch of a button online,  or even if you dont have the internet (which is rare these days) you can buy a book or borrow one from the library!! Anyone who is taking on a living creature should find out how to care for it before purchasing!
I was thinking, the majority of fishkeepers don't keep fish in the standards that we reccomend. When we ( the few who keep them in the standards we promote ) we rehome fish to the LFS sometimes. This got me thinking that maybe it would be better to keep 5 bala sharks in a 30 gallon tank than return it to the LFS where it is likely to get an even worse enclosure. Do we really just rehome fish to sustain a good conscience?
Agreed, but alas we live in a world where sadly this does not happen.  Pet Shops thrive on the "whim" of the child wanting one of those "baby rabbits" etc.  Thank goodness they banned the sale of puppies and kittens from Pet shops in the UK, sadly alas in other countries this is not always the case 

My LFS are used to me turning up after the new fish have arrived, writing down what I like the look of, then going home and researching before returning prior to them being snapped up by others once they are ready for sale.
Your comment just came in TT while I was typing and is indeed an interesting discussion ...
Our standards here are extremely high and I think it can be off-putting to newbies but I know everyone means well. 90% of those that keep fish probably do it wrong, by not cycling or having any awareness of the nitrogen cycle, overstocking, overfeeding, not doing regular or enough maintenance, having too small tanks or too small groups, or keeping incompatible fish in an incompatible environment. OK, maybe 99%! 
My tanks may be conventionally overstocked, but I keep my fish well looked after, my knowledge is good and I care, so I think they're a lot better off in my tanks, albeit having to share space with a lot of other fishies, than in some ignorant newbie who wants to have aggressive fish in a 30g or a parent who wants a nemo fish in a bowl for their three year old. I think this may explain why I have so many tanks - because I believe that if I take a fish back to the LFS it will probably end up somewhere much worse, it's a disease! I have only ever taken one fish back, and that was very sad. 
Now in all honesty, do you think we are TOO strict regarding the keeping and care of these amazing creatures?
I remember going to a local dobbies garden centre about 3/4 months ago to pick up some amazon swords and 2 dollybirds walked in. You know the type, orange faces, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes-yes that type.
One of them had her 2 kids with her who both wanted the "pretty pink fishes" (the siamese fighters) and started screaming the place down.
So the young boy who was serving, asked what kind of tank they had. This is where it got interesting.
First they had bowl with a filter and no heater. Then it changed to small tank with filter and heater. Then they said they had a huge tank.  When he said they could only take 1, they changed the story to 2 tanks with heaters and filters.  He just started laughing and said well which one is it and they said 2 tanks and he was like well that's fine then.
The stupid little boy sold them 2 siamese fighters which we all know were going into the same bowl. I said to him obviously the fluttering of the fake eyelashes clouded your common sense or the orange glow from their faces was so strong it melted the remainder of your brain. I have this problem where I don't think before I speak, I just say it anyway because it needs to be said. He said I was aggressive towards him and he was calling the manager.  I said call him because I was just pointing out the obvious and I am pretty sure he would like to be informed about you giving false information and selling fish who are incompatible with each other. 
Suddenly the manager wasn't there. I sent a letter of complaint to the management and am still waiting on a response. I obv wont get one. 
These things make my blood boil. The reason it does is because I was that stupid girl before and would get the pretty fish until I started researching. Most people now have internet or access to it. It's not hard to go online and research what you want.
Rant over :p

I just seen the comment made by you TT, we are not too strict we care about the welfare of our fish. Being strict makes us have such amazing tanks and well looked after fish.
TallTree01 said:
Now in all honesty, do you think we are TOO strict regarding the keeping and care of these amazing creatures?
Sometimes, when it comes to newbies, there are members here that can come across as judgemental and not helpful. Not all, by any means, but some are not tactful. Keeping a goldfish in a 60l tank isn't like feeding your children nothing but mcdonalds or robbing elderly people, we do need to keep it in perspective before we criticize others particularly when they come here for help and they are told it's their own fault, they're a fish murderer and they're doing everything wrong. OK some might be true, but people don't take kindly to it and are more likely to return and heed advice when a softly softly approach is taken. That is the point that a fishkeeper can either lose interest and give up, or learn and flourish.
Shop assistants I often think we are too quick to criticize. They are doing their job, and that is selling. They would get in trouble with their bosses if they started telling people to go away and fishless cycle their tanks, and ultimately it should be up to the individual to research before going into a fish shop. A bit of helpful advice wouldn't go amiss, but you wouldn't go into Argos and ask which set of towels you should buy. I know that they are living creatures but to retail, stock is stock and shifting stock is profit, and profit means the shop stays open. That's the way it all works and without the shops, none of us would be in the hobby.
However, shops that keep their stock poorly, sell diseased fish or tankbusters are fair game IMO.
As for the story above, clearly the assistant knew how the fish should be taken care of, but was swayed by the fluttering eyelashes and screaming children, which IMO is even worse than not knowing. There was nothing unwitting about selling the bettas to these girls.
New fish shop-
I saw an ad in the paper about a new ( opened last week )fish shop and toodled on down to check it out. The place was packed. Lots of good fish, some I've never seen before.
Somethings of interest:
Lots of tetras and rasboras

Now for the rarities:
They were keeping monsters here,
You got it, the Redtail catfish.
They weren't for sale and were about a foot long. 2 tanks with one catfish in each. They weren't for sale so they'll live a better live ( not ideal, the tanks weren't that big ) then they would in the average aquarium.
I got to see a show as well, they had a big shining silver ( brand new stock ) that smashed the tanks hood and jumped out of the aquarium. It was the only fish in the tank. The shop keepers netted it and put it back in its tank. It smashed the walls this time! The water was gushing out! Thank god it wasn't one of the joined wall tanks! They hurriedly chucked the thing in a big plastic bucket while they cleaned the mess! Sure enough it jumped out again! I was just watching in disbelief as those poor fools tried to get the fish into a tank. They then moved it into the red tailed catfish's tank. The arowana didn't like that one bit. He started tackling the catfish as soon as it went in the tank. They then moved the arowana into one of the tanks for sale whilst it was filled with water. Thankfully the fish decided to stop its rage and settled on the bottom f the tank!

Talk about drama!
Where about's is the shop? I've only ever seen a couple of Redtail cats in Melbourne. 
Sorry guys, I am a newbe here, but I dont understand why you can debate this topic here, but no one has mentioned a thing to these people that are making these purchase, as I said I am new to the hobby but when I over heared an assistant telling a customer she will be fine with a pair of mollies when she had asked for non live bearers, I had to say something, and I think that something should be said at the shop before the forum.
Okay, so was at a chain store yesterday.
I know the help gets run down a lot, (not without good reason). But I had a good experience.
Hadn't been there in months, due to a half-hour drive and poor staff. Once was told we don't stock cories only to see three varieties two weeks later.
We'll, was in the neighborhood so I popped in. After a little browsing, to check prices on equipment, and spy on the help, I was pleased.
The little girl,(probably my own daughter's age, and no bigger than a minute.), now running the fish department was giving solid advice to customers. And was quite happy to answer my own loaded questions. If she wasn't familiar with a species she said so rather than lie.
When not tending customers, she tended the tanks, which were pristine. The fish all appeared healthy, save a deceased betta, quickly removed. And a danio that seemed to have a crooked spine as a birth defect.
Well other than a halfmoon both gorgeous in color and attitude, I almost wet myself when I saw a fine group of bolivians, quite happy to check me out as I checked them out. And fat, active, cute otos. Of course not expecting to be buying anything, no cash on me.
But Father's day is coming up, hmm...
It's so nice to hear of good stores and salespeople, rather than so much of the opposite. We had a great experience with the fish shop that's in the town where our cabin is located. A surprise lot of 6 juliis and a bunch of tiger barbs, all healthy and happy. Our only problem is driving the 3+ hours to get them home. But this was worth it! Good story, frapadoodle! (It's funny, but every time I try to type your name it gets autocorrected to frappe. LOL!)

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