Is My Platy Pregnant?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Eastern USA
It never ends, LOL.  So now I think one of my Platys might be pregnant.
I have 2 Platys and am feeding them both the same amount.  (They live in a community aquarium, so they both have access to the same amount of food.)  One of them has started paling slightly in color and her abdomen has started swelling.  There is no pineconing and she is swimming and eating well, so I don't suspect dropsy.  When I shine a flashlight from behind her, I can see a large dark oval in the abdomen.  The other Platy keeps chasing her around.
I have never raised fry before and don't know what to do.  (If she is pregnant.)  I have a 10 gal that I could use to isolate the Platys.  If I don't choose to raise the fry, will the other fish eat them?
I've attached a picture of the 'pregnant' Platy compared to the other one.
Thanks for your help!
Looks like she is! Female platies can store sperm which is  used to fertilize eggs for a long time after spawning. As a result females are able to release up to six broods following a single mating. Platies are live bearers and after a gestation period of four to seven weeks the females will release the young. The number of the newborns will vary but usually you should should expect 20-50 fry. The fry are transparent and tiny and will hide amongst the plants. Without a hiding place, fry will become prey to the adults.
You will either have to take them out, or put plenty of plants in for them to hide in and take their chances. You can feed on crushed flake or buy a liquid fry food from your local fish shop or online.
Thanks so much for your help Gilli!
Do you think that I could isolate both of the Platys and then take the adults out when the babies are born?  It would be a lot easier than catching 20-50 tiny transparent babies, LOL.
All right, she's doing really well now.  I haven't isolated her yet, and she's eating like crazy, especially the algae wafers.  How long, do you think, before she drops?

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