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  1. M

    how do some people get jobs

    the lfs i usally go to is great!! Im there every saturday getting live worms. They call me Kel there :D hehehe
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    1gallon question

    i wouldnt put a bala in a tank that small. the only thing you should put in there is a betta. one gallon is far to small for a bala they get huge and quickly, they also should be keep in pairs, or groups.
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    how do some people get jobs

    i went to an lfs that i dont go to to often. i wanted to get some corys as my lfs doesnt stock to many of them. I went to the tank, and a young guy (about 15) came over and asked what i wanted. I said i wanted 2 panda cories and 2 julii cories. He caught the 2 panda cories and pu them in the...
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    cichlids doing what they do

    i dont think that fish like that other fish :D
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    The Lamest fish store advice you've gotten was....

    feamles can be as agressive as males Maybe you should put a pic up of 'her' and see what everyone else thinks
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    I hate my "colleague"!!!!!

    tell your boss. he shouldnt be in that sort of job
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    aquarium no gravel

    is it the gravel or an under gravel filter that you want to take out??
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    Nitrate levels

    i tested mine on sunday and it was at 20ppm, i was going to do a water change tonight as i just got a new filter. I think i might test the tap water tonight as se what the nitrate is in the tap water. Thanks CFC
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    Nitrate levels

    what should the nitrate level in an establised tank be? thanks Kellie
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    How's it Goin'?

    theres a few of us here (aussies that is ) IM in NSW.
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    Plants on ebay

    him?? im female :D i always use ebay and have never had a problem with anything
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    Killi fish

    they only live for a year?? what a shame they are soo pretty
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    Is this a good size for a betta

    i think wuv has a few of those. i'd say it would be good, i have seen them at my lfs and seems to be enough room for one to move around
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    Grrr leaky new used tank can I use...

    i wouldnt use it. i wouldnt take the chance of killing the fish
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    Angelfish dying...

    have you tried feeding them live food?? live food would be much better for angels or have you just been feeding flakes?? When my angels get sick they wont eat anything but live worms, they'll spit everything else out. fish need to have a balanced diet like us. Whne i feed my angels live food...
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    new fishroom pics

    wow looking good. i've never seen a double sword before and you get a close up of it please??
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    woo hoo fish arrived...

    his eyes are kinda scary but he is very pretty congrasts on your new fish. How many does that make now??
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    my betta has gone down the hole

    at least you try to find him :(
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    Plants on ebay

    thats what i was thinking Thanks guys Just another question, are they easy to keep or do the need Specific conditions?
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    Glass Catfish

    If its because you want to breed them, there has never been a recorded breed in Captivity. You cant tell the difference between them
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    Mrs.Reds Eye Look Weird

    one of my dwarf gouramis had pop eye. i treadted him with and anti fungus medication and did 25% water changes evryday for a week (he's in my 55 commmunity) and both his eyes went down back in his head. Keep the water very clean as you are doing cause that will help heaps!!! Keep up the water...
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    my betta has gone down the hole

    i would take the U bend apart asap!! He's more than likely in there!!
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    i took my UGF out on monday and it was discusting!! I used to think it did a great job. I had to power heads on both the uptake tubes. But now after removing it i would never reccommend them to anyone!! Get some other sort of filtration!
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    My Aquabid Winnings

    i hate people who do that on ebay!!! I have dial up so it takes extra long!! congrats on the fish though, very nice looking bettas :D
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    time for a rant

    i think julies right, They probably breed in there and they dont have the time to take them anywhere. You should have asked if you could have had some :D
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    Plants on ebay

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    everyone meet my new friend...

    i think your nuts :P but very funny :D :lol :rofl: :
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    Aquarium Plants on ebay

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    My New HM

    wow 55 he's very pretty. When are you going to let him come and visit me??
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    i would say go for at least 1000/litres per hour for something that size.
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    Another betta arrived...

    wow sorrell. When is he coming to my house?? I promise he will eat all his vegies :D He is lovely, Cant wait to see more pics when his colours come out more and hes more settled in :D
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    Angel Fish Fry!!!

    congrats cheese :D my angels are getting ready to spawn again, the female is being such a bully!! And she is very fat. But as i sont have any where to put them they will be eatin again :( oh well. I hope everything goes fine for you :D
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    Undergravel filter users

    i find that very hard to believe. where did it all go then?? I also had had 2 power heads one 1200/L per hour and the other at 800/L per hour on each side I removed mine on monday and man and what a mess it made!!! It was Disgusting!!!!! After taking it out i wouldnt recommend them to any...
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    Plants on ebay

    All i wanted to know was if they are 'rare' like this guys going on about or is he just over charging?? I know some plants are expensive but i've never heard of these ones. Rare "Ozelot" Amazon sword plant - Deep Maroon Spots Rare Varigated Amazon Sword Plant "Marble Queen" thanks guys
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    Aquarium Plants on ebay

    All i wanted to know was if they are 'rare' like this guys going on about or is he just over charging?? Rare "Ozelot" Amazon sword plant - Deep Maroon Spots Rare Varigated Amazon Sword Plant "Marble Queen" thanks guys
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    how to clean rocks?

    it would be best to put this question in the tropical chit chat section. But when i got my rocks from the beach i boiled them. That got all the salt out. Boil them
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    hehehe nice loo :D
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    Bert my Crown Tail Betta

    judging by Auratus first post i think she smelled something 'fishy' straight away :D
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    13 gallon

    yeah i'd say a plant or 2 aswell