my betta has gone down the hole


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
:byebye: :byebye:

just then when i was changing my bettas water i had him in the net and he fell threw a hole in the net and in to the sink so i went to pick him up and he jumped on to the sink hole then i was worried i tryed to pick him up again but he wiggled himself thew one of the holes.

im guessing he is dead. :( :( :-( :rip:
Have you run water down? You should remove the plumbing (gooseneck?) from under the sink right away. You may still be able to save him.
Have you checked the 'U' bend under the sink? it should unscrew quite easily...

...if not sorry about your betta mate :( :/

www :)
I agree , since they're air breathers and in a moist place, he'll live down there for quite some time!! Go get the pliars!!
OMG, I almost lost a betta the same way yesterday.

He's probably still alive in the U pipe.
maybe it got stuck in the part before the U bend?
I've checked all the pipes now he has definetly gone all the way maby just maby hell adapt to the water down there and eat the crap that is down there and live a dirty but happy life :/

thx for the help.
So sorry to hear about your loss. I had a betta jump into the sink once, but I had already put the stopper in anticipation of a possible jump. Too bad he wasn't in the U-pipe. Poor little guy.

Again my condolences.

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