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    :sick: OMG! That is just deranged...I say put him in the blender :sick:
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    molly sex

    Hi, Usually my molly's all have their baby's within 28- 40 days after they start to get plump.. I've never had any luck with spotting gravid spots...of course most of my momma's have been the dalmation's.. my silver's just won't breed LOL
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    Fins Are All Ripped!

    one of my guys was like that when I got him (also in a dixie cup) his fins did eventually regrow...they are not as pretty but he's special anyway.. I don't have a dig. camera either can't wait to get one though...but buying my 55 gallon tank was higher on my list of priorities lol The fin rot...
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    should I feed daily???

    Hi Tanked, My boys have 2 days a week that they get nothing.they seem fine. Both disease free . I was told by a betta breeder that they can actually go a week without anything without any ill that I would never do IMO that is too long without nurishment in a captivity. But the...
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    molly sex

    :thumbs: Great explaination , it's the exact same one I gave to my kids when they asked...
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    Fins Are All Ripped!

    yep sounds like finrot.. For my guys I use Jungle's Fungus Eliminator works careful not to over dose..
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    what is ich?

    It can take a while to get your fish over ich... Tanked had a bad case there for a while if I remember correctly. I also just finished a treatment for it on my Balloon bellies...I lost one to it :( was not paying attention once again..finally saw tanks post...yep he was the one with the ich...
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    Hello Out there

    Welcome to the tank lol Sit back and have fun
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    Water Conditioner

    aquaclear here too...I have used Stress coat in the past .
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    Old Heater

    :thumbs: Thanks Les that's what I was thinking. I think what I'll do is buy the new one for the 55 and use this one for the iso tank..that way if there are problems it won't cause too much stress for me or the fish. So I'm off to the store... the employees pretty much know me on site now & by...
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    Old Heater

    Hi everyone My new 55 gallon is about cycled but I noticed the temp just isn't I got out a heater I had used in another tank..the heater had some calcium deposits built up on it...carefully I removed the deposits. Then I noticed that along with the deposits coming off so did part...
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    External Filters

    I have the fluval 304 canister...I have never used a canister filter before. Noise is a big concern for me also... my Fluval Is pretty quiet. I like it alot.. uses 3 different filter media's
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    Good tank mate?

    the mirror deal won't hurt your betta as long as it is done is actually a wee bit like betta arerobics lol... If they flare alot you may run the risk of him developing blown fin's...( fins look like they have been shredded into streamers) but an ocational mirror won't hurt.. Have...
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    could anyone tell me what are kh and gh?

    hi :D those symbols are for the hardness of your water...salt & mineral deposits.. GH + general Hardness KH ( I don't remember, sorry) Usually a good LFS will test that for you if you take a sample in..I don't usually test for it though just test for ammo , nitrites, nitrates & the PH hope...
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    I'm sorry to hear about all your troubles...I wish I knew what to tell ya that may help but I'm pretty stumped myself. Just wanted to let ya know someone out here saw your post and offer some support..
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    Silve Molly Babies

    :D Tanked, I would have to say you have gotton bitten pretty hard by the I'm just as bad though already planning the next tank out.. Hubby say's I'll be know as the fish lady LOL He just don't understand Love my dalmation's gotta get ready to iso the momma soon so I can save all...
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    my new buddy

    :thumbs: Very handsome guy ya got there Tanked...I have a guy that looks like he could be his brother lol.. The treatment of betta's is horrible.. Your guy must be loving the big tank verses the dixie cup he probably came in.. I put a cave in for Bob( daughter named him) thought he's use it to...
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    Adding Fish

    Hi Lisa, I'm not sure on the redtail , but I wouldn't add an angel...they really need their space.. the salt in the tank as long as it's not alot will be okay...several of us here add salt to our tanks with good results.. Although now I don't add the salt to my 55 gal. because I have tetra's...
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    cleaning fish tank

    :thumbs: I agree with Marineland-Man lots of elbow grease, a razor blade and an extra dose of patience.. Good Luck
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    Silve Molly Babies

    Congrats on the babies... I have found the best way to feed them is the finely ground flakes..the liquid stuff always seemed to cloud up my tank water no matter how little Iput in there.. My balloon belly molly's took about 2 months to get to be large enough to Not fit in everyone elses mouth...
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    I gotta Betta and guess what happens

    Bloodworms alone will cause digestive problems down the my experience most betta's don't like the flakes..Pellets are best as the main dietary needs...Remember that yes in the Natural setting these fish eat bugs & flies off the water..But most betta's you purchase in pet stores are not...
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    Many thanks to...

    Tanked you are very welcome..It's been a pleasure to help someone who really wants to learn more about the art of fish keeping. I have only been at this for about a year and I have gained so much knowledge from the forum member's. Just getting support when thing's go wrong helps. Thumb's...
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    Platy Problems

    lol bigfish Your right though I think the babies are the best part too... I can just sit and watch them for hours... Course if I did that my poor family would think I :wub: my fishy's more than them lol
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    Just Joined

    Welcome aboard.. Good Luck in your search :thumbs:
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    Platy Problems

    My molly's are not being productive at the moment. When I first got them I had babies out the wazoo :hyper: but since the current male :X the other I have gotton nada & this male seems to be gay lol he show's no intrest at all just didn't want the other male in the tank..I'll have to see what...
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    homade tanks

    doesn't the glass have to be tempered? I would think making your own would be risky to the fish, your floors & your wallet
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    Mipple's Frogs

    :thumbs: Very nice..Keep up the good work. The frogs are just too cute
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    Platy Problems

    Bigfish is right..those males get to be real jerks..learned this the hard way I'm afraid..when I bought my platies I was dumb ,did not pay attention to the sexes until we got them home. By the time I noticed and was going to go get a few more females for the males to choose from it was too late...
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    Looks like a veiltail to me...he looks like both my males but different color..
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    I want a Betta

    Hi, The fish you have will be fine with the betta...My question is..Are you planning on 1 male betta in the tank or several females? Males can not be put together...some keep the females in groups of 3 or more in a community tank without problems. As for what betta's like...pellets work best...
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    Hi Elisabeth, Don't fret I think alot of other's have the same problem. You are right on the plec. In order to keep that many fish in the tank you will need to really keep up on cleaning & water changes. I wish I could give you more help but I'm pretty new at this and would not want to give...
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    Hiya Fish People

    Welcome to the tank :fish:
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    first tank kit and fish

    Hi. I'm a newbie too and Just wanted to give you a wee bit of advice. Don't go with the William said it will scratch (very easily) and you don't want that, it takes away from the beauty of your fish. If you wait & sve for a larger tank it will control the "oh that looks great now I...
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    Before and After

    Les, Geez sorry it took so long for me to post...umm was busy setting up new tank! You understand how fun that is :lol: It's kind of funny the grave you had is the same stuff I bought lol The sand looks great! Hubby over rode me though so we went with the gravel.. I got the 55 gal. went out...
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    I think i've mastered the platie breeding

    I put a veggie clip in , Platies went nuts! Moly's were a little more reserved about it but I think that was because the platy's were crazy lol
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    compatible fish

    I'm starting to fall for the sand idea.. watching the head in the sand stuff sounds pretty cute. My kids would love it.. now if I can convince hubby to agree with the sand .. He has said to me I don't know how many times.."When I was a kid, my mom would do this...or that"... / or the ever...
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    :thumbs: Thanks everyone. I gotta have my darling's happy & healthy. This is now my new obsession.. that and planning out the new tank!
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    compatible fish

    Les, I thought about going with sand but so many feel it's a pain to deal with..I Thought sand would look more natural than the gravel...seeing as most ocean's , lakes & ponds are sand bottoms... Sell me on the sand lol before I set up the new tank... Live plants, do they do better growing...
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    LOL Allie Thank You for helping Les become so wise.. U both are great!
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    Everyone must read this!

    Pete if you do read this... I am sorry...truely. :-( Anger does funny things to people before they can think thing's through completely.. I hope we have not scared you off fishkeeping all together. Due to asthma & allergies furry pets are not an option for our family so we are overly touchy...