Everyone must read this!


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2003
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Northeastern, Indiana, USA
I stumbled across this website and could not believe my eyes........to think someone would dispose of fish down the sewer just because they are aggressive and cause problems in the tank or they just don't want them. This inflames me, if I could just get my hands on this person..................at least I did get to email on the cruel treatment of their fish, that's the least I could do.

this is very disturbing, here I am trying to save all of my fishes lives and this guy kills them out of spite. hmmmm I smell a cyber attack comming on. :alien: wait, I'm not a kid any more, no more viral attacks. bad me bad me :D
That's Horrible. :angry: I can't believe someone would actually post that crap! :angry: :grr: . It's bad enough that they think someone constantly playing in the tank is funny (god only knows what they have on their hands)
but to get rid of fish because they aren't acting properly, and then add more fish that they don't even know the names of shows how truely ignorrant these people really are. Why don't they just get a fish screen saver and stop being such @#&#$%&@##%% idiots.
I wonder how they treat their cats or dogs.........probably no where as inhumane as their fish. I am with Tanked on this subject. I try to save my fish and everybody else's and then you see someone potting this on the web. Just makes me sick!!!!! They should have their heads held down in the sewer and see how they like it.

I think that all we can hope for with this kind on NOB is that cosmic Karma will kick in and they will get theirs in the end!
with any luck they will "come Back" as fish and end up living in a tank run by people just as stupid as them...they have no heart :sick:
Well, I sent them an e-mail and the guy sent me a reply. This is it:

Hi ...

I got to read through the forum msgs at:


I will freely admit, I am not a fish expert, and I probably should have learned more about how to properly care for fish, I did ask people I knew for advice, and I attempted to give the fish away (I did manage to give some of them away actually.)

Believe me, disposing of the fish was not something I took some sort of "pleasure" in, it did disturb me quite a bit, but I really didn't know what else to do. We fed the fish, and cleaned the tank, and honestly attempted to properly care for them as best as we knew how. It's clear now that there is probably a lot more in caring for fish than I was aware of.

I would guess that people probably don't have a comparative value of fish to other pets, as you can buy a dozen for a few dollars at a pet store, when you think about how people pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a dog, do you think people would see a fish that costs under a dollar as an equivalent pet? I'm not trying to belittle fish or justify anything, I'm just thinking about the perception of things.

As for my daughter putting her hand in the tank, she was quite young, and I was not aware this was such a bad thing to do, I'm assuming it is bad for the water?

I'm sorry that I've upset you and the other fish-lovers of the world, and I'd like to thank you for educating me on the subject.
I try to bring up my children to be loving and caring people, I certainly didn't say "time to watch daddy dispose of the fish!"

(As mentioned I did give some of the fish to someone else, and honestly I wish I could have found someone who wanted them all.)

I would like to ask you - are you a vegetarian? Do you own any products made from animals? Animals are used and abused by people everyday, that doesn't make it right, but sadly, it's a part of life. Entire industries are built on the belief that animals are disposable, yet few people like to think about a slaughterhouse or the conditions an animal was in before it became their dinner...

What kind of irresponsible person am I? The kind who didn't know better, and perhaps made a mistake. I promise to never do it again.

Pete's letter I would accept as an apology. He has tried to make amends and has raised many points that a lot of ordinary people do not know about fishkeeping. Fair point. It's education time folks.
What is worse of all is that travelling fairs still have goldfish to win. Poor single stressed goldfish locked in a bag of water exposed to heat, flashing lights and god knows what else for people to win. When most of these people get them home, if they get them home, because I've seen people sitting with their bags of goldfish in dodgems and whirlitzers etc. etc. I'm surprised that the fish make it to their homes. When they get home they are dumped in a glass bowl or a flower vase. What Pete says about perception is very true. This arguement about eating animals is quite contentious and could be explosive, so I'm not going there-YET!!!
I for one genuinely feel that Pete was ignorant about fishkeeping and is repentent for what has happened. As for his daughter putting her hands in the water, tell me what child has'nt done that somewhere at sometime. I'm not condoning what has happened as right, what I'm saying is I understand.
As Dragon says, I would also accept Pete's letter as an apology, and as someone who was saved from making similar mistakes by finding wonderful forums such as this one shortly after venturing into the fishkeeping hobby I can understand how being uneducated in the proper care and maintainence of fish can cause many many problems. Hopefully as Pete learns more he can help to educate others as we all try to do. I am happy to find that none of this was done out of maliciousness. :)

Pete....If you are reading this please accept my apologies if anything I posted has offended you, I just get ticked off when I see mistreatment that seems to be intentional. I realise that this was not the case here and I am sorry. Good luck with your tank(s) in the future. I hope you will join our little family here and benifit from the wealth of experience that I have found with the folks here.

why does it matter. i would have done the same thing. if a fish were to agressive i would get rid of it to .
Shark I can see you are going to be real popular around here. I dont know what axe you are trying to grind but you are being wathced

back off gerber. you don't know who your messin with. it's just a fish. a peice of paper is worth more.
Pete if you do read this... I am sorry...truely. :-( Anger does funny things to people before they can think thing's through completely.. I hope we have not scared you off fishkeeping all together. Due to asthma & allergies furry pets are not an option for our family so we are overly touchy about our fishy friends.

Once again please except my apology

Shark89...if that's how you truely feel why do you want to keep fish in the first place? :huh:

...by the way being aggressive towards a moderator is a good way to be banned from posting on a forum.
We like to think that everyone is here to both learn from and help each other with our enjoyment of the hobby, not to start fights and flame wars. I have stopped going to some of the other forums for just that reason. I find that flaming others is counterproductive and takes away from my enjoyment of the sharing of knowledge and experience that I come to the forums for. :nod:

The way people treat any living creatures tends to say a lot about them. Treating them as though they are worthless often tells me that the person in question is an unhappy worthless individual themselves. When that person is also aggresive and enjoys arguements I think that they might need to get some serious psychlogical help.

I have always found on this forum that everyone is here to keep fish in the best way possible; to make them happy and healthy and to help others do the same. If people don't want their fish to be kept in the best conditions they can manage then maybe a cyber pet is appropriate for that individual.

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