
Molly ,
The credit on the reseach has to be shared with Allie, we both have studied this illness alot and she is just as knowledgeable as I am ,heck maybe even more but I cant tell her that casue she gets a huge head.LOL

Mollymomma said:
Hi guys :)

Tanked I'm in the same boat as you..ICK has taken over my tank uggghhh.. I believe mine started due to adding the new platy's ( one has since died) He was bullied from day one.. kept a close eye on him but no luck.. :/ My mollies have it the worst.. Could they have contracted it due to adding the newbie's? from the stress alone?

I have Jungle ick clear....the fizzy tabs ..will this work? The directions say 1 tab for 10 gallons, and again after 24 hours after a 25% water change. But it also says one treatment will be all you need...so with the info here it's not ringing true..

If ick can result from too many changes and stress, won't doing a 25% change every other day be to stressful?

Les your info & research again has been amazing.. :thumbs:
I used that with the first out break of ich and with good luck. That is what I would tell any one to use besides what CM recommended voth products work really well along with the raised temps.if the fish arent scaless
:thumbs: Thanks everyone. I gotta have my darling's happy & healthy. This is now my new obsession.. that and planning out the new tank!
Well guys, my loach died today, I attribute it to a fial blow of stress from the ich oubreak and a recent ammonia spike. he never contracted ich but he has had a rough life. Before my roommate moved in the tank was in his control and not well maintained, he tried removing the heater for a move with it plugged in and it broke with the loach right on it. It was electrocuted, but lived for 2 months after that. I didn't do to well the first weeks either but the ich hit and really made me very attentive (not just feeding and watching them now :D My glassfish that would not be rid of the ich were given to a much more experienced friend. they will be making a cross country trip to his home in california but will always stay in the tank they are in now. To make matters worse my power filter (15 years old) died last night and i had to get a new one. An Emporer 400 things seem to be getting betterthough, ammonia is coming down. the guy at the lsf took 3 pounds (wet) of cultred floss from their tank and wrapped my bio weels in it for the trip home, where they sat for about an hour before being put in. I cut some of the cultered floss and put it in the changeable catridges and put them in the power filter, I since I can't have carbon in now I cut the rest in half and put it in the back of the resovoir. It has been running for 28 hour now and water params are becoming much more neutral.

ph 7.2
ammonia .25 - it had spiked at 6ppm :crazy:
nitrites 0
nitrates 30

the guy at the local fsm also recomended to put an ammonia filter "Zeolite" on top of one of my ugf tubes.
I hope things get better.
sorry to hear about fish I hope your ich gets better I cant stand even thinking about losing one of my fish
Tanked, you've described a lot of stress in that tank, and lots of changes, which explains the ick pretty well. While many of the disturbances were beyond your control, that does provide the reason.

As for the solution, obviously stability is key. Water changes are good during ick, though perhaps not every day. The key is to do the same type you always do ... if regular is 10% then just change that much.

Also key is the light vacuum of the gravel. Emphasis on light/gentle!

Also remember that continued use of malachite green and formalin will also stress some fish ... that's the Catch-22. And this is doubly so if you have raised the temperature. I don't necessarily have a way out of this for a prolongued outbreak. It is just not fun.

It is one reason, though, I switched to Aquarisol. It seems to be gentler on the fish. While some say it is a useless product, if you follow the directions it does work. Living Sea Aquarium in Chicago, one of the best fish stores in the US, uses it and recommends it particularly for community tanks.

Good luck and stay persistent.
no fish had ich on them this morning. I will continue to treat for 4 more days. with the light on and temp @ 82 I think this should be fine.

the water conditions are now stable so this should be adequate.
Good news!

Remember ... 3 weeks to a month before adding any fish, plants, anything to the tank.

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