cleaning fish tank


New Member
Apr 17, 2003
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I am not only a newbie at this site, but I am in the middle of cleaning my fish tank. After 15 years, my angel fish died of some type of tumor very visible on her body. So I have taken the "danneo" fish that shared the tank and moved it to another. I have emptied the tank (29g) of all water, stones, accessories, etc. I have the equipment currently soaking in a soluntion of TSP and water. It is not getting rid of the algae. So after all that, how do I get rid of the algae on the tank walls, corner seals and equipment. I will buy new if I have to but, not a new tank. Advise would be appreciated.

thank you in advance.
I would just wash it with a clean clost and a cleaning solution made up of hot water and salt, this usually works for me
I use a new tooth brush to scrub everything for my tank. I just buy the cheap ones that are like a buck and rinse it under really hot water. It works well for getting into tighter places to.

Bleach can also be used to clean a tank. Be sure to rinse it very well before starting it up again. I have used dish detergent to clean everything from gravel to decorations and never had a problem but then again I am one of those people who go to the extreme with anything to do with cleaning. I always rinse everything very very wonder the water bill keeps climbing! lol
you know what i use ... a snail and allot of patients. they do a wonderfull job my faveorite at the moment is a ramshorn snail they are native to the uk and seem to do a fine job of eating all the junk dust and stuff with the alge. i also think and apple or grate pond snail would be ok they might have a little nip at ure plants but thats the price i pay... more plants from the shop and im fine.
Only problem with snails is you mite just as well clean the thing with bleach because by the time you have 500 little snails you will be dumping in the bleach anyway just to kill them off!! =) snails are cool but you just cant get rid of them.

Best way to clean the glass my friend is with a razor blade and some good ole elbow greace! Just did that to mine and works great especially if you get one of those ones made for windows that have the big holder. Like everyone said, toothbrushes work well for the caulk in the seams!

Good luck :blink:
Bleach and water solution!!!

Alliecat should know as I cleaned a 29 they got from me with a bleach and water solution before they took it.

Just make sure to rinse and rinse and rinse.

The razor blade is a good idea, but WON'T getthe algae off the silicone without damaging it and a toothbrush alone will take forever!!

Bleach is safe to use as long as you RINSE WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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