

Fish Herder
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
South Wales
A museum director was being fined for putting goldfish in a blender and refused to pay... they let him off saying the fish didnt suffer
i dont think that seems fair well decide for yourselves.

fish blender story
:-( Well, all I can say is that had to be one godawful second! :crazy:

I would venture to guess that people who get blown to bits die quickly, too. :eek:sama:
Does that make it any less cruel? :X

There is definitely something at work, here, but art? I think not. :devil:
I would suggest putting a certain part of his anatomy (being careful as this is a family forum) in a blender and then invite visitors to press the On button - then see if he still feels it is art!!!
That's disgusting. :grr:

I can't believe anyone would think something like that was art.

And just because the fish died quickly(?), it doesn't make it any less wrong. They'd never have got away with it had it been a different type of creature, a cat or dog for example.

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