Platy Problems

Betta Lover

New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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For the past four days, my two male platies have been nipping, and chasing each other around my 10 gallon aquarium. I think that they might be fighting for the right to mate with my two female platies, but I'm not sure. Usually during the day, they will display for the female platies, and then fight for a short while. :huh: :huh: :huh: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :/ :/ :/

Could someone please give me some info.
Thanks in advanced
Betta Lover
Male platies usually get agressive when their is more than 1 in the tank, just keep an eye on them just incase they injure themselves during a fight.

How many females do you have?
Bigfish is right..those males get to be real jerks..learned this the hard way I'm afraid..when I bought my platies I was dumb ,did not pay attention to the sexes until we got them home. By the time I noticed and was going to go get a few more females for the males to choose from it was too late 1 dead male. :-( I really hate when that happens & it really was my own fault...the quilt :sad:
we all learn from our mistakes mollymomma, it makes us well prepared for the future of the fish world.

Do you have any baby mollies mollymomma at the moment?
I have two female platies in the aquarium with them. Usually when they fight, they will swim in a small circle, and then start to nip, and bite each other. The fighting has settled down for a short while, but it won't last that long. :( :no: :( :no: .
Betta Lover
My molly's are not being productive at the moment. When I first got them I had babies out the wazoo :hyper: but since the current male :X the other I have gotton nada & this male seems to be gay lol he show's no intrest at all just didn't want the other male in the tank..I'll have to see what I can do to change this...I may get yet more females, a new male and move careless boy into another tank lol...
I had exactly the same problem with my 1 and only male, i decided on buying another male that same day but out of no where he decided to his naughty thing and now i have 2 preggy platies, so in the next 2-3 weeks i should have some babs swimming around.

Hope so!!!! i got lovely guppies they are such cuties got 13 now, still more to come.

I need an out building desperately to expend my collection.
lol bigfish

Your right though I think the babies are the best part too...
I can just sit and watch them for hours... Course if I did that my poor family would think I :wub: my fishy's more than them lol
The male to female ratio is too small. Suggest atleast 3 females to a male.

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