molly sex


Fish Crazy
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Kelowna B.C.
I have been trying to figure what are the main dfferences between male molly and female ones.
drooping anal as to straight one etc.. but websites that i visit all have conflicting pictures. can someone please give me a link or picture of stable evidence
i cant give you a picture, but since i have bred mollys maybe you will take my word....the male has a very straight anal fin the goes back towards his tail ( i always think of it as a penis) the females anal fin a like a fan. That is the only difference i can really tell you about, except the female will be the one with babies popping out... :p
:( its anal fin makes a semi circle???? and the cartilidge in the edn of the fin points 45 degrrees downward???
IS that straight back or fan-likle i can't for sure tell.
ok i finally found two good pictures that helped me out. The molly has been "plump" for about 2 weeks now and should i isolate it now or sould i wait a little longer. If so how much longer should i wate? :unsure: :blink:
What kind of molly is it? Can you see the gravid spot? If your molly is light coloured then you should start seeing a dark patch in her abdomen. That is a good indication that she is going to breed.
I think its a silver molly...but it has a few black spots on big is the gravid spot?

Usually my molly's all have their baby's within 28- 40 days after they start to get plump.. I've never had any luck with spotting gravid spots...of course most of my momma's have been the dalmation's.. my silver's just won't breed LOL

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