Silve Molly Babies


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2003
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Well, i discovered my silver molly had babies :rolleyes: , but i only found two of them, :( but i have the two in a floating beeder tank thing. What do i need to do for them, right now im just grinding up the fish flake really small. How long does it take for them to get bigger??? any other helpful hints???
well im not sure what the growth rates are for mollies but i keep guppies and my guppy babies took about 7 wks to reach an inch in size.

Hope this helps.

Hey congrats on your little ones have you taken a closer look in the gravel as the mollies like to hide in there or under any ornaments etc.
Plecoguy, i crushed the flake up as small as possible and added some liquifry 2 and made a paste, they seem to like it and are growing, not sure how long till they get big, as i am a new poppa as well, have fun mate. :D
Congrats on the babies, as far as how long I would say that they are going to be along the same lines as what has been suggested, not the size but the time. You dont want to turn them loose with bigger mouths than they are. Depending on how fast they grow and how well they eat you might be looking at 4 to 5 weeks but with babies I wouldnt worry about the time, just make sure they get

Hi Plecoguy and Congrats on the birth. My silver mollies gave birth this week too, I've only found 5 fry. My question for you is, what color are yours. Mine are dark, hoping that's just a camoflage. :D
yes, my babies were and are a darker color than the babies are getting larger, but their mommy died for no apartent reason...sniff...sniff..
Congrats on the babies...

I have found the best way to feed them is the finely ground flakes..the liquid stuff always seemed to cloud up my tank water no matter how little Iput in there.. My balloon belly molly's took about 2 months to get to be large enough to Not fit in everyone elses mouth..

I have a prego dalmation molly right now..I'm sooooo excited I :wub: the babies

Good Luck with the new family members
congrats on the babies,

mollymama, the dalmation mollies are very cool looking. i will need to get a third tank ( after i get my 55 in 3 weeks to a month) and set it up brackish for my fiances' swords, platy's and mollies. they are pretty but I want to set up the 55 as a semi agressive tank.
:D Tanked,

I would have to say you have gotton bitten pretty hard by the
I'm just as bad though already planning the next tank out.. Hubby say's I'll be know as the fish lady LOL

He just don't understand

Love my dalmation's gotta get ready to iso the momma soon so I can save all the babies I can... hmmm may have to check out the clasified's & see if theres any tanks in there cheap lol :hyper:

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