Hello Out there


Fish Addict
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Plymouth England
Hi All

My name is Richard. I leve in Plymouth England. I currently have 18 tanks. One in my living room (88 galls UK) currently housing 6 Clown loaches. 1 rubber mouth cat fish, (do not know latin name). 3 young piraba catfish (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) and 14 various angel fish.
17 tanks in my fish house (previously known as my garage) totaling 1000 galls uk. These are run on a centerlised filter. In the fish house I breed Discus and angel fish.
I have been keeping and breeding fish for over 14 years, and can hopefully help some of the novice breeders out with any help you need. My main area of knowledge is angel fish genetics, and the breeding of.

All for now.

Welcome to the forum dolphin, always good to have more experience around for us newbies to draw on :thumbs: ...hope you enjoy it here, we like to have a fun while we enjoy our fish :hyper: ...be sure to check out the rogues gallery to put some faces to the fishkeepers. B)
Welcome dolphin,

I'm sure I'll have some angel questions for you in the future. I plan on getting a few soon B)

edit: my name is also Richard :D
cool i can allmost see plymouth from my window on a clear day if that tree was cut down and they dug a hole in that hill there and they dont have too many ships on the severn. go on then wave :lol:
oh dear i wasnt logged on well i am now wellcome again to the forum hope you enjoy it here
Welcome dolphin................

Hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to posting with you.

Hi Dolphin and welcome, the upkeep of your systems must be phenominal (spelling?) what do you do for a living? how much time do you spend on your fish? would be interested in this. :D
Hi Foggy

The upkeep of my system is does not take too long. I only feed the fish twice a day, even the fry. Water changes are automatic. I feed in the output from my RO unit in to the filter. The filter is a mulit chambered tank 96"x16"x16 with an overflow to take away the water that is displaced by the RO input.
The pump turns over 2500 gall/hour.

Daily maint is to clean out the bottoms of the tank, adjust pH (add bi-card, if needed) and start a fresh batch of brine shrimp. This takes about twenty mins.

Weekly maint is to check the filter foams to see if they need cleaning. If they need cleaning this takes about two hours. I tend to empty one tank a week and clean it.

Overall the maint takes about 10 to 12 hours per week.

As a to the Job I only work 3 days a week, but am now starting a business selling Brine Shrimp Eggs by mail order.


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