I want a Betta


New Member
May 4, 2003
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I really want a Betta fish or fishes for my tank, but I need to know if it will do okay with my other fish. I have 1 male swordtail, 1 female swordtail, 1 male Sailfin Mollie, 1 female Sailfin Mollie, 1 female platy, 1 alge eater, 1 male ballon molly, and 2 female balloon mollies, and a bunch of babies, that i dont know the species yet, except that some of them are Sailfins. Now my tank is 30 gallons and I guess there would be enough room for another couple of fish.

So if any of you have mixed any of these fish with Bettas, please tell me so I will know, and I do that it depends a lot on the fished personality.

Could someone also tell me what I will need for Bettas, if I do decide to get them, because my other fish are doing quite well except for 2 with a little bit of fin rot. But anyway I would really like a response.

Thanks, and its nice to be here!

OKay so i got my Betta on Thursday, he seemed to be doing okay, he wouldnt eat the tropical fish flakes, so i bought him some of those pellets, and he wont eat those either, so now i bought him some blood worms, and when he sees those he will just eat them up. I know that to many of them wil lbe bad for him because they are so high in fat but what to do.

This is what i did i put him in my baby breather, and tried to feed him some and he still wouldn eat them so I dont know what to do, any suggestions and all suggesestions welcome!!!!

But listen to this crazy story, this morning when i woke up I looked in my tank and I couldnt find him, so I looked behind all the plants, because thats where he likes to hide, and i couldnt find him, so i got desperate and looked on top of the lid and behind the tank and he wasnt there either. So I looked down at a piece of paper by my foot and he was laying on it. So I was like omg and i picked the paper up and he looked so dry. So i poked him and he started flipping around but his tail was stuck to the paper. So i just dipped the paper down in the fish tank and after a while he loosend up and swam away. afterwards he was kinda weak and just sank to the bottom, but when i got home he seemed okay.

Now the weird think is that my betta jumped through a hole the is about 1 inch my 3 inches, flipped himself across the lid of my tank which is about 1.5 feet. then he flipped of of that and fell like 4 feet, and then he flipped about 1 foot across the carpet, and then stopped on the paper. Now thats so weired.

Please someone help me with the food problem I will be very greatful!
Those all seem like they would be fine with a betta, my betta had a certain fondness for the 2 female platies that lived in the tank before I took them back because of their excessive waste load
But just as you mentioned it does depend on that particular fishes personality, I have a betta alone in another small tank and I can tell just by watching him that there's no way I'd ever put him in a tank with anyone else, he's a tough boy, I can't even turn the light on in his tank because he's forever flaring and butting his head into the glass trying to attack himself :lol: :wub:
But if you do get one make sure no one nips his long fins, you'll grow fond of him quickly, mine's really the only one in the tank who acknowledges me, even if he is a little terror :wub:
And welcome to the forum, everyone here is really helpful and you'll enjoy it! It's good to have advice from people who know what they're doing :nod:
What wuvmybetta says is an interesting point...
Some bettas really have differing personalities. I'm actually observing their behaviour in my own kind of way. I've had 3 different bettas and my sister has 2. I watch carefully how they react to everything.
My current betta, Omelette, is totally mellow. I am sure if I get a bigger aquarium in the future I can probably put some other fish in there that I wouldn't have thought of doing before. I like those tri-colourd platties :)
Omelette actually likes being stroked too.. and when we moved recently, he put up absolutely no fight when I netted him.
When we got our first clown loach I was apprehensive about it. The loach was alone, and I found out quickly how much of a schooling fish he was... he actually schooled with Omelette, and Omelette didn't care at all! They'd touch noses once in a while too. When we got the 2nd clown loach, he actually took to nibbling on the end of Omelette's tail which I thought would cause problems. He did no damage, but Omelette didn't care.

I've only seen Omelette get aggressive with his own reflection (no big suprise there) and with a snail we had in our aquarium - he came up and smashed the thing with his nose! Strange...

The fish you have will be fine with the betta...My question is..Are you planning on 1 male betta in the tank or several females?
Males can not be put together...some keep the females in groups of 3 or more in a community tank without problems.

As for what betta's like...pellets work best. Some will eat flake food but neither of my guys will...they will actually look at me like" Hey stupid human lady you KNOW I won't touch that mess"
As a treat I give mine bloodworms ( frozen is best but freeze dried works)
only once a week ( too high in fat to use as a mainstay food)
They prefer their water temps to be 74-80 degrees F
And need lots of love

Good Luck and soon you'll see what wonderful fish betta's are
All your fish would pair well with a Betta. Keep in mind some bettes are more temtorate then others. Some might try to chance everything in your tank, and others will just go with the flow. Alot of people buy female bettas for small fish tanks as they are very dosile and keep to themelves. They will always be the best bet when trying to place a betta in a community tank. The only catch is females can be hard to find at times.

good lunk!
I find that odd that is all you can buy here where I live I dont know about going back with the females or not I cant seem to keep them in the tank I lost one the other day due to jumping out of the tank does anyone else have any problems due to the fact they keep jumping out. I get mad and say Im not going to get anymore but I am going to buy me atleast four of them shortly
I would advise only to buy a betta that is living with other fish in the shop

Some shops keep them on their own in at tank because of the name, but you should buy one that is living with other community fish such as tetras or platies as this will usually mean they have a better temperament and can cope with living in a well populated tank

Just make sure that you only keep one male in the tank :nod:
My betta is a very mellow fellow but he does seem to react more to the colour red. :hyper:

He is in with three guppies and he pays no attention to the ones with blue tails but he does flare at the one with a red tail, although he had never attacked it.

This may be something you could look out for, apart from that I would say you would be alright.

I would also suggest a plant with large leaves. My betta loves to just rest on the leaves, he looks very sweet :wub: It also stops him resting on the bottom and damaging his fins.

As for feeding I cant get my betta to take flakes either. :X

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