Search results

  1. M

    45 gallon in-wall tank

    That is just too kewl. I can't wait to see the other pics of the back & cabinets. My husband wanted to do that in our home but sadly we didn't have any clue where to put it without serious construction issues. I'm going to show him your's he'll love it and maybe he will get some idea's and the...
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    Where do you come from

    Thanks platypus :*) Nikki, we rented out our home once when hubby transfered to another state until we could sell it... boy that was a big mistake. :crazy: The people seemed like a great family, rent was always on time etc. They managed to get around the no pets (insurance company...
  3. M


    the banner idea is great Good work guys!!
  4. M

    Water changes for small unfiltered bowls...

    The addiction can get very bad :lol: Betta, must find betta, must save betta from dixie cup... I started with my daughter's" I need one mommy" betta. then I wanted my own well soon I had 4 tanks but currently only have 1 turq. betta "Bob" in my 55 gallon & 1 red betta in a 2 gal. (...
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    Where do you come from

    Hi Mollie, I post from my livingroom lol... I am one of the fortunate mom's that get to stay home and raise my children without the aid of babysitter's or daycare centers. I have managed to get my 15 yr old in 10th grade (even though I am math challanged lol) an 11 yr old into 6th grade...
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    Sondan that was a very touching memory. I'm very sorry that your family had to go through losing someone you loved. I am very glad that you & your neices were able to have that one last sweet memory to hold forever close to your hearts. God Bless
  7. M

    New photo

    :thumbs: Very nice tank. Sorry have no clue about the plant though.
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    :*) I forgot all about the vote ( hangs head in shame, been a member 8 months) I'm really glad you guys have this reminder posted Geez I feel dingy, oh wait I am dingy so everything is otay :thumbs:
  9. M

    Ok well I've gotten a request for pictures of my

    no no I really meant Tucker.. He's by far much more handsome :lol: :lol:
  10. M

    Water changes for small unfiltered bowls...

    I agree with Cali. Go for 3 ,100% water changes a week in that small of a bowl. I do a full water change on my 2 gallon once a week & in between the full changes if I see gunk building up on the stones I use a turkey baster to do a quick cleanup. If you decide that this is too many water...
  11. M

    Sciaenochromis ahli fry

    :wub: the pics. Your babies are wonderful! Lots of Luck with them :thumbs:
  12. M

    Ok well I've gotten a request for pictures of my

    :wub: :wub: :wub: they are so cute! Nope Angie & tucker are the cutest
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    Hi panboy, When I clean my tanks I scrub down the walls to get rid of the yuckies but I don't clean every plant ( my 55 gal has real ,my 10 gal has fake) the only time I have ever scrubbed the fake plants & ornaments was when I got a bit lazy in water changes and alot of gunk had collected...
  14. M

    While I was vacuuming gravel tonight...

    :flowers: Congrats on the babies... can't wait to see the pics
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    Hubby laughs at me when we go fishing together (rarely) because I flat out refuse to bait the hook :lol: ewwwww Then he reminds me I don't mind feeding my fish frozen bloodworms & brine shrimp...Hey what can I say about a mother's love! :P There's nothing better than to be sittting on the...
  16. M

    Am i an idiot?

    I'm had to agree with smb had to vote null.. Edit for spelling .. Now I feel dumb LOL
  17. M

    Settle an argument!

    The bookcase would stand out more if there were a few Betta Tanks on there...oh she won't go for that huh? A shame :P :lol:
  18. M

    just wondering

    My wheelchair gets in the way of water changes lol 34 here ya young whipper snappers
  19. M

    Fluval 404 quality?

    I have a fluval 304 the only problem I have ever had with it in 7months is the tubes getting nasty and it's a pain to clean them out. With the stand doors closed you can't even hear the filter running.
  20. M


    Some odor from the water is normal but it should not be noticable unless you are standing right over the tank with the cover open. Mine smells umm like a light musky smell..say similar to walking in the woods near a stream after a good's not a unpleasant smell at all. Try an extra...
  21. M

    Frozen Food

    When I add the frozen to my smaller tanks with less fish feeding I just take a steak knife that is now only for this purpose and shave off what the fish will eat. In my 55gal. I ust plop it into the tank right out of the foil
  22. M

    what sive is ur tank?

    :lol: I voted for my 55gal. but I do have a few smaller tanks too. Canis I wanted to add all mine together too then it would be a 67gal tank lol
  23. M

    30 Gallon Hexagon

    very nice! Love the decor :nod:
  24. M

    My 20 Gal tank

    :wub: the castle on the hill decoration too cool! Keep up the great work :thumbs:
  25. M

    the addiction....

    The story begins at a fairground. One little girl wanting a fishy. Enter one red betta, Nascar. Nascar lived (hangs her head in shame) in a betta hex for about 2 months then his gorgous self was as long as the hex I knew we had to do something. Off to Walmart to get a bigger tank. Awww look at...
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    Eclipse How Often To Change Filter?

    if it's carbon I'd change it more often say new carbon once a month... then the swooshing in the tank water with every water change. If I'm wrong hopefully someone will point it out nicely :D
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    Best Tank for 1 Male Betta

    Hi all, We have a 2 gallon explorer for a betta (fireball) I don't like it for 3 reasons 1) no light ---- This bothers me because the tank is always in darkness unless you put it directly under a lamp. 2) as said before you really need to take the whole top off to do anything in the tank..on...
  28. M

    Favorite scavenger

    Much larger tank = 125-150 US gallon. I know how big my plec will get but thanks anyway for the heads up AA :D bronze catfish are so cute! I think I'll go that route once I buy the big tank
  29. M

    Favorite scavenger

    Your welcome Cate anytime :D As I said my pleco is a pain but the kids love him. I am also hoping to get a much larger tank in the future so we will have room for it until his life is over. then I'll have cory's in the 55gal. :wub:
  30. M

    how often do u feed

    I feed my community tank 6 days a week with various flakes & frozen
  31. M

    New Tiger Barbs

    Splatter, I thought pleco's didn't count either when I first started because a lfs guy told me that. But now that my pleco is 6in. after about 6 months I realize you really have to count them into the mix because first they put out alot of waste messy messy these fish are lol and when they get...
  32. M

    Favorite scavenger

    I'd say go with cory's, If you don't have a large tank pleco's don't do very well as they grow so big unless you are lucky enough to find a smaller pleco like the rubber lipped ones. I have in my 55 gallon a common pleco, when we bought him he was a cute little bugger no longer than 2...
  33. M

    I,ve lost a tiger barb

    :blink: I hope you find him. That is so weird. Could he have managed to get out of the small gaps in the hood? I just bought tiger barbs but don't know a whole lot about them yet. Keep us posted, Good luck
  34. M

    Fish memory.....

    :lol: :lol: Pufferpack it's good to know men are aware of the cleaning fairies! The laundry fair yelled at my hubby this morning for leaving clothing all over the house for her to pick up... This will crack everyone up..TRUE MY LIFE STORY... :blink: After hubby & I had been married a short...
  35. M

    OMG Guess what I just got???

    :wub: How about lovebug!
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    Jungle's Fungus Eliminator, melafix
  37. M

    Researching Fish

    Researching can really send you into a tailspin...I know it did me. 1. Please tell everyone what size tank you are planning to have. This helps us to help you ;) 2. Once we know your tank size we will need to know if you have read anything on cycling a tank.( no now don't look at me that way...
  38. M

    filter floss/wool

    Would that work in a fluval canister too? Just place the floss where the carbon sits in the baskets? Carbon is getting a bit expensive and I have heard alot of members don't use carbon at all. I worry about it leaching if not changed ofton enough. -_- Sorry canis_lupus for jumping in but I had...
  39. M

    Whats really going on in there?

    :nod: yep too cute!
  40. M


    Mollys are great! I started out with 4 molly's, and they were just so fun to watch. The plus side they were very forgiving in all my newbie mistakes :lol: I currently don't have any but miss them alot. I lost mine to disease after adding a sick molly to the tank. I have not gone back to that...