Water changes for small unfiltered bowls...

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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How often do I have to do a complete water change for a 1/4 gl bowl? :huh:
I think at least once a week, but I'm not sure.

How often for a partial water change? :huh:
I think at least once in between the complete water changes.

I need to be sure. :/

Tenx in advance. :alien:
I think you are going to get lots of differing opinions. I've heard many different "rules" for changing the water in my 1 gallon unfiltered and unheated bowls, LOL!

Here's one opinion: I do a 100% water change for my 1 gallons every single weekend (once a week). So, according to my standards, you should do 100% changes every other day for your 1/4 gallon.

I don't know about other folks, but I am not fond of partial water changes (when it comes to my 1 gallons). There is still gunk in the tank and, to me, it takes more work. I can do a 100% water change in 5 minutes...but, partial changes take me probably 15 to 30 minutes. LOL, I'm probably doing it wrong. :lol:
So I guess every Wednesday evening and every Sunday evening would be the best times for a complete cleaning and water change at minimal, yes? :/
Itty Bitty Betta said:
So I guess every Wednesday evening and every Sunday evening would be the best times for a complete cleaning and water change at minimal, yes? :/
If you go by my little ole opinion, I'd change 1/4 gallon 3 times a week (roughly every other day). Maybe Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays? How's that sound.

Some folks think 100% water changes are too stressful on the fish, but IMO they are less so. As I said, I can do a 100% water change in 5 mintues: I scoop him out of his bowl into a cup. He stays there for the 5 minutes as I wipe bowl and refill with treated water, then I dump him back into his bowl. He's fine.

Partial water changes (15 to 30 minutes): I'd syphon the gunk out of the bottom of the bowl and syphon out 1/2 of the water. I'd then measure a half gallon of treated water and refill bowl. Dump fish back into the bowl. Most of the time is spent syphoning. That takes too long for me!

All this is JMO!
Hey, I'll try it. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Tenx! :)
I agree with Cali. Go for 3 ,100% water changes a week in that small of a bowl. I do a full water change on my 2 gallon once a week & in between the full changes if I see gunk building up on the stones I use a turkey baster to do a quick cleanup. If you decide that this is too many water changes maybe try a bigger bowl / tank. A 2 gal. gives you enough room to add a cave & some plants which lessen betta's stress levels. Hope this helps some & Good Luck
Mollymomma said:
I agree with Cali. Go for 3 ,100% water changes a week in that small of a bowl. I do a full water change on my 2 gallon once a week & in between the full changes if I see gunk building up on the stones I use a turkey baster to do a quick cleanup. If you decide that this is too many water changes maybe try a bigger bowl / tank. A 2 gal. gives you enough room to add a cave & some plants which lessen betta's stress levels. Hope this helps some & Good Luck
I have 3 of them but no room. :/ I just got addicted real fast and bought 3 of them within 2 weeks. It's getting to be more work than I thought, but I still love the little buggers! If water changes is what it takes, then so be it!
i feel u man! i have 4 now :X and the water changes r starting to get 2 me.......so i'm gonna get rid of my fish from my 10 gallons and move the bettas in there.......every night i have to bring 4 tanks down to flights of stairs to the warm room and everyday after school i have to bring them up! :S there has to b an easier way! maybe having twice as many tanks and so when one gets dirty swich tanks and clean out the other over 2 or 3 days........haha :lol: more tanks
sorry just felt like telling my story :blink:
I would like to know how other people do their water change. I am not sure that I am doing it correctly. :grr:
canis_lupus said:
i feel u man! i have 4 now :X and the water changes r starting to get 2 me.......so i'm gonna get rid of my fish from my 10 gallons and move the bettas in there.......every night i have to bring 4 tanks down to flights of stairs to the warm room and everyday after school i have to bring them up! :S there has to b an easier way! maybe having twice as many tanks and so when one gets dirty swich tanks and clean out the other over 2 or 3 days........haha :lol: more tanks
sorry just felt like telling my story :blink:
They have dividers for 10 gl tanks? :huh:
Itty Bitty Betta said:
I just got addicted real fast and bought 3 of them within 2 weeks.
Yup. How do you think I ended up with 4? (I HAD 5, but I gave 1 to my neighbor's child!)

It's a SERIOUS addiction. I found myself going to Walmart, PetsMart and Petco daily to see if any new ones had come in. Sad.

My addiction was really with females, as they are more difficult to find. When I found my beautiful pink female, Pixie, I went off the deep end. I was looking for female Bettas everywhere!

I'm all better now. But, I understand what you mean about the water changes. Lugging 4 one gallon bowls of water to the kitchen is NOT my idea of fun.
Marcocass said:
I would like to know how other people do their water change. I am not sure that I am doing it correctly. :grr:
I scoop a cup full of bowl water into one of the clear party cups I use. I net the fish out of his bowl and dump him into the party cup.

I dump the remaining bowl water out and I rinse his bowl, plant and marbles with water and I wipe the bowl with a paper towl (no soap is used). I fill the bowl back up with room temp. tap water and I add 2 capfulls of HBH water conditioner. After a minute or two, I net fish from his bowl and dump him into his newly cleaned bowl. THE END.

I USED to add Ph Regulator to my water, which complicated things a bit, but I have since acclimated my guys to the higher PH of my tap water. So, what I told you is all I do. ;)
Before I moved my betta into a regular tank, he was in a one gallon bowl.

Once a week initially, later twice a week because he was brown algae in the bowl and it was starting to smell at 5 days or so, I would do a complete water change.

I put him into the cup he came in with some of his bowl water. Then I would take the bowl into the kitchen and pour the contents into a kitchen collander to catch the gravel and plant. I would then use the sprayer on the kitchen faucet and rinse the gravel with HOT water very thoroughly, spray out the bowl and wipe it clean (no soap), then paper towel it dry. Refilled with conditioned tap water.

Then, I would prop the cup up in the top of the bowl to try to even out the temperatures for about 15 minutes. I would then carefully put Buzz only back into his bowl without letting any of his old water go in with him.
I found this at Bettas 'R Us ... Could be useful. Anybody concur with this listing?

How often should I change my Betta's bowl?
This depends on the size of his tank/bowl. Here is a quick list of suggestions:

One quart or less - Every 1-3 days
Half Gallon - Twice per week
One Gallon - Weekly
2 Gallon (no filter) - Every Week & a half to Two weeks
2 gallon or larger with filter - partial water changes weekly.
i think u should get a 2 gsllon or more, there cheap, and waaay easier to keep and be sure to put a filter in it!

urs sounds to small

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