Frozen Food


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Solihull (England)
:/ Can anyone out there

I want to give my fish a varied diet but i only want to feed live food as a treat

I brought some frozen blood worn today but i dont know how to feed this to my fish

It come like ice cubes, do i just drop them in frozen or what

Hope someone out there can help me

;) Well my old china plate (mate) i use frozen and all i do is either just put it the tank and as i thaws the fish eat it, or i thaw it in a little cup and pour it all in the tank.
Both ways have no bad effect on fish.
I like to mix the cube with a bit of the tank water, swish it about and dump it right back in.

I got some of this frozen food type stuff the other day. And found the packaging really was all in freaking french!!!!!!

like Daz's it came in an ice cube block, is that not too much to feed in one go?

Approx size on cube 1cm x 1cm x 2cm. For the amount of fish I have, I thought it looked a lot when comparing to flake usage?
When I add the frozen to my smaller tanks with less fish feeding I just take a steak knife that is now only for this purpose and shave off what the fish will eat. In my 55gal. I ust plop it into the tank right out of the foil
I thaw half a cube in an egg cup and plonk it in. I would just put it in frozen but then it floats on the top and my gups and gouramis eat it all before my clownies have a chance to get any!
I also pop it in a little cup and use some of my fish tank water leave it for a couple of mins :thumbs: and pop it in the tank

i sware i have more frozen fish food in my freezer than human food. we have brine shrimp we have krill, we have VHP and we have something elece i cant keep track. well all i do is drop it right in the tank except for the VHP and you have to thaw it and mash it up a little. i have a 125 marine tank so i'm always needing something different for different fish. i sware my fish wonlt even smell flake food there are spoiled i guess.
Do I have to keep those freeze-dried bloodworm cubes in the freezer, or can I keep them in the regular refrigerator space with everything else?
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Do I have to keep those freeze-dried bloodworm cubes in the freezer, or can I keep them in the regular refrigerator space with everything else?
Freeze-Dried can be kept in the refrigerator or in room temp. I keep mine on my aqua shelf next to the tank.
We just throw it in and watch the SHOW!!!
Now that as my husband says is what they mean when they say FEEDING FRENZY!!
What fun.

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