New Tiger Barbs


New Member
Aug 10, 2003
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I have a twenty gallon tank with 4 fake plants, a big rock, a whisper filter, one opaline guaromi, a rainbow chiclid, two platys, one small catfish, a pleco and one tiger barb( my other one died today :( ), and i want to get like 5 more tiger barbs. i was wondering if that would be a good idea.

Please respond because i dont know what to do in this situation. THANKS ;)
Please answer my question, no one ever does and i really need to know
Well Tiger barbs are schooling fish so are best kept in groups of 4 or 6 or more.

The bigger the group the less chance they'll nip the fins of your other fish, but be careful not to overstock your tank.
thanks for the advice. my guarami is gunna get about four inches nad i have a rather large pleco. all the other fish are 1 1/2 to 2 inches and im probly bringing my rainbow chiclid back to my LFS cuz he is too aggreasive.seeing how many fish i have how many more tiger barbs do u think i can get
i dont think you guys really understand how much i need your help.if i dont buy more barbs soon, my ONE that i have now is gunna get pretty aggresive so can u plase respond, i would appreciate it cuz i really like all of my other fish .
Splatter24 said:
i dont think you guys really understand how much i need your help.if i dont buy more barbs soon, my ONE that i have now is gunna get pretty aggresive so can u plase respond, i would appreciate it cuz i really like all of my other fish .
Easy, don't expect INSTANT responses :thumbs:

The rule if thumb is about 2.5" of fish per gallon.

20 x 2.5 = 50 ins.

Do you really need the plec - they get pretty big. Mine's growing slowly, but I will eventually find him a new home (via my LFS if necessary).
patience, this isn't a live chat, it takes time for people to find/read these posts. definitely need a school of tigers to cut down on aggression. but you're almost up to your limit on fish, so if you really want the barbs, i'd recommend getting rid a fish or two (remember the one inch of fish per gallon rule here; also tigers are schooling fish and will need room to swim as a school), or get rid of the tiger barb you already have and add something less aggressive.
sorry i was so impatient. hey, im new at this but thanks for the advice.i am getting rid of my rainbow chiclid and getting like three more barbs. i thought u needed a pleco in ur tank and i also thought that they dont count as taking up inches so i gues i will keep it until it gets rediculously large

I thought pleco's didn't count either when I first started because a lfs guy told me that. But now that my pleco is 6in. after about 6 months I realize you really have to count them into the mix because first they put out alot of waste messy messy these fish are lol and when they get winging around the tank they are not the most graceful of creatures..mine knocks over alot of thing's in the tank.

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