Water changes for small unfiltered bowls...

akhtar said:
i think u should get a 2 gsllon or more, there cheap, and waaay easier to keep and be sure to put a filter in it!

urs sounds to small
Sorry, but I do not have the space for three 2+ gallon tanks/bowls.
The addiction can get very bad :lol:

Betta, must find betta, must save betta from dixie cup...

I started with my daughter's" I need one mommy" betta. then I wanted my own well soon I had 4 tanks but currently only have 1 turq. betta "Bob" in my 55 gallon & 1 red betta in a 2 gal. ( daughter's replacement fish for original who lived with us for a year&1/2. I will be refilling my other betta tanks soon hopefully. I miss them or maybe I could buy a ten gal. & devide it then have more.. *drool* the addiction continues :lol:
I know it's mean, but it sounds easier cleaning three pint bowls everyday rather than three 1/4s every other day. Somebody help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Have a little bit different way of doing it... My guys all live in 1 gallon bowls. All are healthy, happy, and very unstressed, and I do 100% water changes every week. To be less stressful on them all, I keep an extra gallon bowl around, and I prepare it with clean water, stress coat, correct temp, and everything, and transfer the first betta directly into it. Then I clean the bowl I just removed him from really, really well, fix it up, and put the next guy into that one, and so on... The result: the fish only change locations one time to an identical bowl, rather than being switched to a holding cup or having the invasion of a partial change. They are perfectly content, and the only time I don't use this method is with new fish until I'm sure they are as healthy and happy as the others, so that I don't accidently transfer any new diseases. It seems to be less stressful on them this way than the other ways (which I've tried), and I've never had my babies get sick this way.

Ideal, though, for them and for you as far as cleaning is to invest in a small tank with filtration system. One of my guys is in such a contraption, and once he got used to the water flow, seems to love it. And his takes very little work to maintain. Just small amounts of water changes weekly, like any tank, but with his, I pretty much just need to scoop out a tall (32 oz) glass of water, and refill it. Very easy.
I should get Telly a filter. Poor guy gets so stressed with the net. You can see his white lateral streak right through the red, and his face pales. Telly seems the most peaceful of the three. Maybe in addition to a filtered tank, I'll get him a few guppies to keep him company. :)

Are guppies okay for a peaceful betta? I want to get the yellowtail guppies for him. :huh:

My other two guys really don't care much for anything as long as they are fed. Sheesh! :crazy:
He might be alright with guppies, but some guppies can really be bullies. But fish vary with any species I suppose. :)

I've also read that bettas may confuse male guppies for male bettas because of the guppy's flashy apperance.

I've never had a naughty platy, if that helps. :rolleyes:
lauraswan26 said:
I Have a little bit different way of doing it... My guys all live in 1 gallon bowls. All are healthy, happy, and very unstressed, and I do 100% water changes every week. To be less stressful on them all, I keep an extra gallon bowl around, and I prepare it with clean water, stress coat, correct temp, and everything, and transfer the first betta directly into it. Then I clean the bowl I just removed him from really, really well, fix it up, and put the next guy into that one, and so on... The result: the fish only change locations one time to an identical bowl, rather than being switched to a holding cup or having the invasion of a partial change. They are perfectly content, and the only time I don't use this method is with new fish until I'm sure they are as healthy and happy as the others, so that I don't accidently transfer any new diseases. It seems to be less stressful on them this way than the other ways (which I've tried), and I've never had my babies get sick this way.

That sounds like an AWESOME plan. But, you know what I'd do with that x-tra bowl? :lol: I'd fill that sucker with a new betta faster than you could say "water change."
Cali said:
That sounds like an AWESOME plan. But, you know what I'd do with that x-tra bowl? :lol: I'd fill that sucker with a new betta faster than you could say "water change."
Damn you! That's what happened to me!!!!!!! :hyper: :fun: :crazy:
Aiiii... I know all about that!!! I constantly fight the urge to fill that bowl, so now every time I get a new betta, I also get a new bowl, so I constantly have an empty. :)

I still remember the first time I saw a betta, thinking "what a beautiful fish! I think I'll bring him home. A fish bowl will be nice above my computer..."

Yeah right, one turned into two, turned into three, turned into... well, you guys obviously understand!

It's an addiction. :fish:

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