Search results

  1. G

    How to take care of fry?

    Congrats - are you going to put them back into the original tank that they came from? If so, wait until they are "bigger than a mouthful" so that they don't get eaten.
  2. G

    tank decor ?'s

    It depends on what you want to use. Decor for aquariums must be suitable for underwater - some of the decor for terrainims can leach toxins once submerged. What exactly did you have in mind?
  3. G

    My Tetra has lost his tail

    Does it look like his tail was bitten off or does it look like it rotted off?
  4. G

    boring fish

    There's nothing wrong with aggresive fish at all as long as they are put in suitable surroundings. I keep cichlids which are known for their aggresiveness, but I don't keep them with peaceful fish in a community tank. By puting aggresive fish with peaceful ones, especially in a small tank, you...
  5. G

    community tank

    African Dwarf Frogs (ADF) stay small and do well in most community tanks. They don't eat flakes and pellets - only bloodworm, sea monkeys and that kind of thing. I have 2 that live in my community tank that I feed frozen foods to and I've no problems with them at all. Every now and then you...
  6. G

    boring fish

    What exactly do you mean by activity? The fish you have are not "still" fish - they're constantly on the move and don't stay in one place. I hope you don't mean more aggresive fish. :angry:
  7. G

    Should I start again?

    Can you skim the top of the water? Do it with a cup just under the surface of the water - it acts like a mini whirlpool and will take all that's suspended on the surface.
  8. G

    leaveing fish alone for a week>?

    Can you get a timer for the lights. They're not that expensive and really help in this kind of situation. What fish do you have and is the tank well planted? If you have lots of live plants, then the fish will eat them if there's nobody to feed them.
  9. G

    My 400 litre tank

    Looks even better now that I can see it :)
  10. G

    plastic tanks

    I don't know about bug tanks, but Wilko's do a great 5 litre (I think) plastic tank with cover for £4.99
  11. G

    Should I start again?

    Sorry about the misunderstanding. I understand that you have added Cycle to the tank to get the beneficial bacteria going but what have you been feeding them on? Have you read the articles pinned at the top of Beginners Questions? If not, I recommend that you do as it gives an explanation of...
  12. G


    Thanks Kev - I knew it was somewhere - please feel free to add to the list there :)
  13. G

    Should I start again?

    Hi and welcome. I've read your post twice and I still can't see why you want to start again. Just to get rid of the cloudy water or thin out the sand or a combination of both. Also, I'm sorry, but what's a heating cable? IMO, the best kind of heater is one with a thermostat that sticks on one...
  14. G

    My 400 litre tank

    Your tank looks lovely - but it's difficult to see coz the pic is so small. Can you enlarge it a little?
  15. G


    I'm glad you found your fish. It's very suprising how well fish can hide in a well planted tank. Sometimes I really worry about some of mine coz I hardly ever see them. Even when I clean the tank and do water changes they still hide - I know I've got 4 clown loaches but I've no idea where...
  16. G

    Shoaling or Schooling

    Over here in the UK it's as follows: Shoal = a group of different kinds of fish School = a group of the same kind of fish
  17. G

    Tank in a mess

    I would do a slightly smaller one - about 10-15% and then a few days later another
  18. G

    Tank in a mess

    Well, the good news is that the ammonia and nitrite are 0. Do you know the ph of the water that's added to the tank - is it also very low? I don't like the idea of playing with the ph - fish will get used to the ph, be it high or low, as long as it is a stable ph and doesn't keep changing...
  19. G

    Changing water

    Even without water changes the ammonia and nitrite will stay at zero in a cycled tank. The water changes are to keep the nitrAte down and to generally get rid of other impurities in the water. Fish that live in tanks that don't have regular maintainance are more suspectable to disease. The...
  20. G

    Decisions, Decisions

    I have a pair male and female - the difference is that a lot of the males have a very slight red edging to threir fins whereas the female is all blue (they're morphs of the original dwarf gourami in which the male has some red in him). The red rim appears from quite an early age, so there...
  21. G


    Java fern will cover your substrate quite quickly and it's very hardy. Here is a thread about moss balls.
  22. G

    Decisions, Decisions

    I concur with all the above - good husbandary will let you keep the fish you want.
  23. G


    The less chemicals added to a tank the better. Good fish keeping husbandary will give you the same results.
  24. G

    Help help! aargh!

    Don't ADF's shed their skin. Could that be what you saw? Not the leeches - seems like they must have hitched a lift on the plants, :sly: :X
  25. G

    Greyish spot on my gourami pupil

    Sorry to hear about the deaths, but one thing bothers me. You say that the deaths stopped after a partial water change and that makes me think that the problem is with the water. How often do you do water changes and clean the gravel? Have you checked for ammonia. Even if your water...
  26. G

    Will live plants help lower nitrite/nitrates?

    Yes, the plants will help reduce nitrate, although I'm not too sure about nitrites.
  27. G

    Huge Fish stores?

    Sea World? :whistle:
  28. G

    lfs ripping you off

    I you can buy healthy fish cheaper than the same kind at double the price, then I see no problem buying the cheaper one. If you give your fish optimum conditions to live in, then the cheaper one will do just as well, if not better, than the expensive one.
  29. G

    This is what I got so far, am I over looking?

    Well, you could make the preparation for 2 lights just in case you ever want to change to a planted tank and in the meantime just use one of them. I can't help you regarding wattage coz I've got no idea. Your best bet is to ask your lfs what lighting you need for what you want to do. Sorry I...
  30. G

    Moss balls? opinons?

    No, not yet, but I also had another couple in my cichlid tank. Originally these 2 were quite large but the fish had other ideas with them, broke them down and ate quite a bit of them. I left the bits and pieces that were left and now these are staring to grow into balls, very very slowly, but...
  31. G

    Looking for a Fish

    BTW, ottos like their own company - it's best to get at least 3-4 of them at the same time.
  32. G

    This is what I got so far, am I over looking?

    Do you want a planted tank or not - if planted then you need at least 2 light fixtures running the length of the tank (how long is the tank?) If you're not thinking in that direction then you could get by with only one light. Will the tank be standing where there's natural light or in a dark...
  33. G

    ooOooo perty

    Beautiful pics - now all someone has to do is invent a computer that can display smell :)
  34. G

    Blue Water?

    Yep - carbon is great for clearing the water.
  35. G

    Looking for a Fish

    They don't eat plants, but you'll have to give them algae wafers once they've depleted all the algae. Did you cycle with or without fish. Depending on your answer - if with fish, then only get a couple of fish every two weeks giving your tank time to catch up with the extra bio load. If you...
  36. G


    What's it supposed to do?
  37. G

    This is what I got so far, am I over looking?

    If you're going to get boisterous fish, don't get an internal thermometer. My cichlids regularly knock it around - they seem to think it's some kind of football. How about lights - are you going to put lighting in the wooden hood?
  38. G

    Moss balls? opinons?

    I have 3 in my community tank - each one about 3" across which is double what they were when I bought them. My lfs used to sell them for £1.50 each, but since they've gained popularity, he's put up the price to £2.50 each, but he doesn't get them very often.
  39. G

    Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?

    Let's keep this a friendly discussion please. I don't want to close this thread coz it's good to hear everyones opinion. Personally, I think the idea, although not the best in the world, is a lot better than keeping bettas in jars, vases and whatever takes some folks fancy. I'm sure that...