Shoaling or Schooling


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Leeds, UK
Is there a differnece betweena schooling and a shoaling fish?
Also we have a 90 litre (26 gallon) we have two Bronze Cory's is this a good amount?
To my knowledge there is no difference.......... As for your cories, I keep just two cories but I would prefer to get 1 or 2 more.
In the context of fish, fish sticking together in tank, no there is no diff.

But there are difference, I read it onthis forum actually. Can someone help us out?

Something to the effect that shoaling was for fish, schooling were for ............................... I have no idea :rofl:
IIRC shoaling just means 'hanging out in a big gang' while schooling is 'follow the leader' formations....

Don't know where I got that from tho so might be wrong!

aj xx
There isn't really a difference. As for your cories, I keep two also, but would like to get another one. I keep my clown loaches in a gang of 3 and they seem much happier than my cories!
The way I heard it was a school is a group of the same kind of fish, and shoal is a group of different kinds of fish. I read that in a previous thread on this forum.

However, says a school is "A large group of aquatic animals, especially fish, swimming together; a shoal" ... and a shoal is "A large school of fish or other marine animals." So they make it sound like it's the same thing.

Over here in the UK it's as follows:
Shoal = a group of different kinds of fish
School = a group of the same kind of fish

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