Moss balls? opinons?

I have several of these and i'll start by saying that overall i really like them. They have a sort of cute personality all their own, almost more like an animal than a plant because they do tend roll around and do their own thing and don't always stay right where you place them. People who look into my tank always want to know about the "tribbles". I originally bought 2 and split one into 2 so i had 3 total (i have a thing against even numbers lol), but i suppose either becuase i don't have a lot of light or because i did it when they were too small, they didn't really like that and didn't heal back up into a ball. I've since read that you should wait until they are really large and hollow inside to split them.

I just bought 2 more and threw out the one i ruined, the other half i sort of spread out on some driftwood, not sure how it will take to that. They do seem to not mind the lower lighting levels in my tank but if they are growing at all i can't tell. They are mulm magnets and need to squeezed out like a filter sponge when you do your water change and make sure they get turned so the same side is not always facing the light, otherwise the dark side will turn brown and die off.

As far as their supposed benefits regarding algae or nitrates, i have a hard time beleiving that such a slow-growing plant could have much effect.
I'ved just bought 3 off these off ebay and came with a free red water lily bulb!!

I looked on the UK ebay and there quite expesnive so went on the US ebay and got them alot cheaper :D
Wow that was quick lol!
Thanks guys!
I'll check into Ebay US since they are closer to me....
Gonna get me some Tribbles lol
Paul v biker, did it work out cheaper even with the postage to get them from the states?? Cause I looked at them and I wanted to get some but the high price put me off
My LFS gave me two of these for free! I already had one in my tank, and then I saw these other two. He didn't even know what they were until I told him. :thumbs:
I have 3 in my community tank - each one about 3" across which is double what they were when I bought them. My lfs used to sell them for £1.50 each, but since they've gained popularity, he's put up the price to £2.50 each, but he doesn't get them very often.
have you had any babies off them?

on one of the auctions i read that after a while litle balls would form on the side and when they reach a good size you can break them off for another ball!!
have you had any babies off them?

No, not yet, but I also had another couple in my cichlid tank. Originally these 2 were quite large but the fish had other ideas with them, broke them down and ate quite a bit of them. I left the bits and pieces that were left and now these are staring to grow into balls, very very slowly, but I now have about 4-5 tiny little moss balls in the tank
Ah cool, I think my crabs will have a go at them when i got one in with them when that tanks set up.

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