Looking for a Fish


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Effort PA USA
My Local tropical fish store had a alge eater called an outo? I am guessing that the name it was maybe little bigger than a neon and had black and yellow stripe, I wanted to confirm the name and also are they really good for a tank to keep it clean?

Thanks for any info

Yes, an oto. The ones I have preferred brown algae, but still eat algae.
Thanks for the info I thought I was right.. Now dose anyone recomend getting them right away after cycle or maybe after all the plants take hold? and do they tend to eat alot of plants? I never had a planted tank and plan on making one in the next week or 2.

They don't eat plants, but you'll have to give them algae wafers once they've depleted all the algae. Did you cycle with or without fish. Depending on your answer - if with fish, then only get a couple of fish every two weeks giving your tank time to catch up with the extra bio load. If you cycled with ammonia, then you can add more fish all at once. It's not necessary to wait until the plants have taken, but it is advisable to put in the plants before the fish for the simple reason that planting messes up the substrate and it can take a day or so for the tank to settle again.
I didnt set it up I was just asking when I do.. I plan on just using 2-3 fish to cycle the tank and then when its done add the plants and other fish
BTW, ottos like their own company - it's best to get at least 3-4 of them at the same time.
Don't add them to your tank till it is completely stable. Preferably, they should be the last fish you add, as they are very sensitive and hard to acclimatise to any tank. often they die unexpectedly in the first few days. don't let that put you off getting them though, they're neat fish, just take precautions. :)
Thank you for the info I will make sure to keep them for last. I never heard about the group of them but that cant hurt to have 3 of them.


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