leaveing fish alone for a week>?


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2003
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Well I am going to be leaveing on a holiday too toronto on the 19th my family and I are going to be gone for a whole week any sugestions about light or feeding
would it be ok to leave the light on would it be ok to leave for a week with out food should i try one of those weekend feeder diolving things please reply.
light off! leaving on 24/7 will stress them.
buy an automatic feeder if you can, if not get a neibour to feed twice whilst your away.
Those weekend feeder blocks IMO are more trouble than their worth.
Can you get a timer for the lights. They're not that expensive and really help in this kind of situation. What fish do you have and is the tank well planted? If you have lots of live plants, then the fish will eat them if there's nobody to feed them.
If you have no timer, leave light off. Now asuming that the room has a window, just leave shade open, that will give a good sense of night and day for fish.

If planted ask others about that.

I would not let anyone feed you fish, feed them a regular feeding right b4 you walk out the door, then leave them be, 1 week wont kill them
Agreed... don't use one of those weekend feeders, get a timer for the lights (mine only cost $5).

A lot of people say fish can go a week w/o food. But if you do have someone come over to feed them, premeasure the food and put it into Dixie cups or something similar.
yhea actully i think my dad has one of those light timers but im not sure how they work anyways mabe i wont use the fish feeders and just beg my brother to do it by setting out a feeding in dixi cups lol
keeper-of-fish said:
can someone tell me how the timers work where do they attatch and such?
The electrical cord from the tank light plugs into the timer, the timer plugs into the wall socket. There are little plastic trippers on the timer that turn the lights on and off at the time you specify. It's really quite simple, just follow the directions. :)
I've done 2 7 day trips now since I've had my fish and both times they have been just fine. I did a water change and a good feeding (not too much though) right before I left and a good feeding when I got home followed by a water change. I haven't come home to dead fish yet!

On one tank I have a timer for the lights, on the other I just leave the light off.

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