community tank


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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oshawa ontario canada
i was at big als and they had these little lobsters guys there some were blue and some were gray.i was wondering if you can put these in a community tank or will they eat the fish.does anyone keep little frogs in their tank and does the other fish bother them and what does they eat?i have a 15 gal with 2 mollies,2 platy,1 swordtail.can i add a lobster and frog?sorry for so many questions.
African Dwarf Frogs (ADF) stay small and do well in most community tanks. They don't eat flakes and pellets - only bloodworm, sea monkeys and that kind of thing. I have 2 that live in my community tank that I feed frozen foods to and I've no problems with them at all. Every now and then you can see them scoot up to the surface for air and dive down again.
The lobster is not what I would call "community" friendly and it's not a true lobster, it's a crayfish. It'll definitely eat a frog and any small fish it can get and probably attack anything else if possible. They also like to tear up plants.
Although the say you shouldnt I have a blue lobster in my community tank, and it happily lives in a large rock in the middle of the tank, and doesnt tend to bother any of the other fish.

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