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  1. Lucky5tar5

    What Did You All Feed Your Fish Today?

    When I got home yesterday I noticed one of my friends had taken it upon himself to feed my leopard bush fish some bombay mix. Not too thrilled about that at all...
  2. Lucky5tar5

    Table Tank

    Hey guys, just noticed a fish tank that is also a table on ebay. A bit of a novelty I know. One thing I did notice though was that it claims you only need to change the water once a year!! What the fudge are they talking about? Surely not! Table
  3. Lucky5tar5

    Best Camera?

    I do love the canon cameras. I've sworn by them for years and they have never let me down. Unusually though, I am recently favouring a Pentax Optio W80 camera which I got for my birthday. It seems to pick up all the detail of my canon with an added bonus of being waterproof. This means I can put...
  4. Lucky5tar5

    Eager Beave...Betta!

    Ha ha, I like it. So its Princess and I've decided after much deliberation to name the male Meatball for some reason or other... =)
  5. Lucky5tar5

    Tank Mates

    Otos are absolutely brilliant with bettas, but do consider the food supply. They need a very mature tank that produces plenty of algae to keep them happy. Another option would be normans lampeye if they're readily available in your area. They stay pretty small, but do make sure you buy them...
  6. Lucky5tar5

    Id If You Please...?

    Thanks! I had no idea their teeth were that crazy... =)
  7. Lucky5tar5

    Lethargic Or Sick Betta? Help!

    If at all possible, get a picture on here of the tank, the betta and this 'sucking catfish'. You're best off returning the catfish either way as 5 litres is definately not gonna be enough for it. Maybe replace with a snail or some shrimp if you're worried about keeping the tank clean. The betta...
  8. Lucky5tar5

    Tank Mates

    Mine have always got along well with endlers guppys, however they were always added before the betta. I'm not too confident the betta would be all that happy of the colourful little intruders. I reckon your best bet is shrimp or apple snail really...
  9. Lucky5tar5

    Eager Beave...Betta!

    Yeah, no worries. They're in the same tank with a divider at the moment. He doesn't seem to have flared her yet (or any other of the fish in there) but I wouldn't trust him just based on that. As for personality, they're both still settling in really. He does appear very quick compared to other...
  10. Lucky5tar5

    Eager Beave...Betta!

    Yeah, the white streaks jumped out at me in the store. So far they're getting on well in there. Hopefully I'll get a better pic of him if he decides to pose...
  11. Lucky5tar5

    Id If You Please...?

    Just wondering if anyone could ID this beast for me? The guy in the shop didn't seem to have a clue!! Sorry for the rubbish picture, but I'm sure someone'll manage to enlighten me. =)
  12. Lucky5tar5

    Eager Beave...Betta!

    So here they are. The female was easy to get a good pic off, although I did just notice she's got a bit of a nip out of her tail, but hopefully this'll heal quickly. The male however, would -not- sit still! Finally got a couple, but they're not exactly amazing... =) The first pic I tried...
  13. Lucky5tar5

    Eager Beave...Betta!

    Just picked up another betta for the new tank. Everything seemed normal in the shop, but when I got him home 20 mins later, I noticed he'd started building a bubble nest in the bag! And now he's in the tank, he's started again in the back corner. Obviously not a fussy little guy. I just think it...
  14. Lucky5tar5


    Ha ha, I snuck in especially a few weeks ago to infest your tank with snails and utterly confuse you...! But seriously, they've probably been around for a while, minding their own business, staying out of the way. =)
  15. Lucky5tar5

    Brp Death

    Thats a lot of water changing...! I know how it feels, I remember being gutted when I lost my first ever blue ram. (MR.T!) Still, its good you've got the carbon in there now, the meds might well have had an extremely adverse effect with your filter media, but fingers crossed it sorts itsself out...
  16. Lucky5tar5

    Brp Death

    Was that testing 5.0ppm nitrate -after- the big water change you mentioned you were going to do? If so it must have been quite an ammonia spike to produce all of that. Nitrates can be harmful in large quantities, but I'm leaning towards an ammonia spike more than anything. Thats mainly because...
  17. Lucky5tar5

    Brp Death

    Doesn't sound good at all... It may be that the ammonia spike has permanently damaged the poor guys gills. There's still hope though. Keep us updated!
  18. Lucky5tar5

    What Fish Can Go In 5.3G

    I don't think anyone would complain, after all you're asking for an opinion, and that is what people are responding with. I still can't imagine myself coming round to the idea, wouldn't it look a little odd as well? But hey, it sounds like you've made your decision already. Make sure to post...
  19. Lucky5tar5

    Filter Help

    Does sound a bit strange. Unless you have a jet engine of a filter, that really shouldn't be happening. Theres loads of filters around if you did want to downgrade. You might be best off checking out a selection at your LFS. Although I would be more tempted to go with the foam method. =)
  20. Lucky5tar5

    Would Spotted Climbing Perch Fit In My Community Tank?

    My first SCP were exactly the same. Two together, one picked on the other occasionally, but nothing crazy. The e-bay bought turkey baster works great with dried bloodworm. If there were less fish around, and you added live food you would notice them stalking their prey in a very strange fashion...
  21. Lucky5tar5

    Angry Pet Store Worker

    Well what do you do... I'm sure that if you refused them the fish, they would find another means. It sounds like you did your best, and thats all you can do. Its probably not worth losing too much sleep over, and definately not worth losing your job no matter how ridiculous your customers are...
  22. Lucky5tar5

    Bettas & Guppies

    Agreed, prevention is better than the cure in this case in my opinion. Although I'd never put any average male guppies in with my betta, I've found him to live peacefully with endlers and venus guppys for years. He's also fine with my mountain minnows, black neon tetra, glow-lite tetra, normans...
  23. Lucky5tar5

    Sticker Glue Blues

    So I'm buying a load of fake plants for a new betta/snail/khuli tank. A very reasonable price from a not so local fish shop that I thought I'd check out. As I was eagerly trying to rip the abundance of price stickers off, I realise they're pretty much welded on there. Not so much the paper bit...
  24. Lucky5tar5

    Finally Started My Black Out Today :(

    That seriously sucks. I reckon you'll crack it with the black out though. The fish'll be fine. Much like a teenager on summer holiday, they'll probably be pretty dormant the whole time. And I bet they'll look like completely different fish when you unwrap them. All pale and strange... Best of...
  25. Lucky5tar5

    Im Back!

    Sounds good. I'm doubting the catfish will grow any bigger than 5 inches with that set up anyway, so if they're all happy in there you're sorted really. =)
  26. Lucky5tar5

    Im Back!

    Hmm, I'm not too sure about moving the catfish to a 10 gallon. Is he fully grown? Might be ok for a while if he's still smallish, but in my opinion it wouldn't be enough room for him. But thats just me... If you do decide to move him though, you might want to steer clear of using a net to catch...
  27. Lucky5tar5

    Is My Light Too Bright?

    I've found platies, madagascan rainbows, mollies, and some gouramis to be great for this in the past. As such that my cardinal tetras do not shoal anymore, but rather spread themselves out. I guess thats a minor con...
  28. Lucky5tar5

    What Fish Can Go In 5.3G

    Its certainly a nice idea in theory. I do think that the khulis would go out of their minds though. I kept some in a 5 gallon when I was just starting out, and was assured by the LFS they would love it in there. They literally swam in circles constantly hitting both sides of the tank. I left...
  29. Lucky5tar5

    Im Back!

    Just thought I'd mention I got a few golden otos a few weeks ago for one of my tanks and they've settled in great. My betta was a bit skeptical at first, but soon warmed to them. They don't take any notice of any of the other fish, and are definately better in a group. The other fish in there...
  30. Lucky5tar5

    Stocking Advice?

    Tricky one really... Easy decision when it comes to rehoming,(you definately should) but some people refuse to see something right in front of their nose. No offense meant by that, but its sometimes the case. Most red tails will be pretty peaceful for a long time, its with age that the...
  31. Lucky5tar5

    Stocking Advice?

    Eesh, I was also sold a red tailed shark with the belief it was fully grown. Lame... I did however notice that he ate a fair few snails while I had him, so I'm not sure why yours hasn't. My best solution as of yet for snail infestations was to get 4 zebra loaches. And boy did they go to town on...
  32. Lucky5tar5

    What To Add To Tank?

    Any kind of molly would be great in there. Just to throw out a few ideas, maybe some mountain minnows, venus or endlers guppies, normans lampeye, rosy tetras or serpae tetras. cherry barbs or platys would be a nice splash of colour in there as well. My LFS had some powder blue gouramis a while...
  33. Lucky5tar5

    Advice On What Else To Add - 200L Tank

    How about something to take over the bottom of your tank? Possibly a tiger pleco or something along the lines? Only problem with them though is that you might not see them during the day all that much. Although I have a friend who says that his is always out all day. Or maybe some kuhli loaches...
  34. Lucky5tar5

    Young Ancistrus Needs You!

    Ah, good. The usual case of 'irrational fishy fear' has been qualmed. Thanks. =)
  35. Lucky5tar5

    Young Ancistrus Needs You!

    Hey guys, I've recently bought a young ancistrus pleco to join the fish tank melee, but I've noticed some unsual behaviour and periodical colour changing. The middle section of his body from the dorsal fin to his eyes sometimes go very pale for about 30 minutes to an hour then he looks healthy...
  36. Lucky5tar5

    Is It Just Me.....

    Theres a great LFS near here called Aquator that gets some pretty crazy stuff in sometimes. They've got a good selection of huge marine fish, as well as fully grown senegal bichir, leopard bush fish, (spotted climbing perch?) and somehow the biggest cardinal tetra I've ever seen! (Which they...
  37. Lucky5tar5

    Live Food Feeding

    Hey guys, just thought I'd add that mine take about the same amount per fish. Except from the leopard bush fish, they're just ***** greedy! My crowntail betta won't eat anything apart from live food so far though. He's cheeky! Luckily my LFS always has a good supply of bloodworm, brine shrimp...
  38. Lucky5tar5

    Boyu Conundrum?

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. Considering its been in there for about 2 weeks, I guess I'll replace it pretty sharpish! =P
  39. Lucky5tar5

    has that fishy fever...

    has that fishy fever...
  40. Lucky5tar5

    Boyu Conundrum?

    Hey guys, just wondering if someone could answer a quick question for me. =) I have recently bought a Boyu 26 litre tank as shown here: I haven't had any problems with my other tanks as of yet, but these have all been under gravel...