Advice On What Else To Add - 200L Tank


New Member
Oct 23, 2009
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Right, i have set up my tank, its all cycled e.t.c. and i have got a fair few fish in it so far but it still feels like it needs a few 'feature' fish in it...

Its a 4 ft tank @ 200L, i have got the following:

10 Zebra Danios
7 Swordtails
6 Tiger barbs
4 Mollies
3 Silver sharks

Im after something thats going to be active, brightl;y coloured and a nice finishing touch to the group.

Also, a quick question on the barbs, i have got 2 tigers that seem to either be playing and chasing or they are battling for dominance but they seem to 'square up' with each other, chase each other and do a little dance together, trying to nip fins maybe. Have i got 2 alpha males hgere? they are young and im not 100% sure on the sex.

i have a 200litre tank check my sig out for ideas on what i put in mine, id be warey of what you put with the tiger main fish are my pair of agassizis once the female starts breedin she'l turn a bright yellow until then shes a brown colour but the male makes up for that
How tall is the tank?

If the tanks tall enough, how about angels? or a pair of rams? Pearl Gourami?

The silver sharks will eventually need rehoming as they will outgrow the tank (not sure if you are already aware) they require a minimum of 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank in the long run and preferably even an 8ft tank, also they should be kept in minimum of 6 as they are a shoaling fish.

Yeah, i know the sharks are gonna get big, i have a mate with a bigger tank who may take them, i might get rid of them soonish to make room for more fish.

I like angels but tiger barbs are reknown for fin-nipping so cant go that route...

I kinda want some territorial fish, some that will make a lil' home somewhere, i dont want too much aggression tho (although my barbs definitly rule the place at the moment).

Oh yeah, its 18" tall the tank...
Gourami's will take care of themselves. Try and get your hands on a Snakeskin Gourami :) After you've fed it up you could grill it or make soup like they do in Thailand! ...or maybe not :blink:
I would say congo tetras, very colourful and active. Or perhaps a trio of pearl/lace gourami? I have 4 angels in my 200l tank, but not nearly as many other fish . Check my tank details for info.
How about something to take over the bottom of your tank? Possibly a tiger pleco or something along the lines? Only problem with them though is that you might not see them during the day all that much. Although I have a friend who says that his is always out all day. Or maybe some kuhli loaches? Zebra loaches can be pretty playful and active all day. I've got six on one of my tanks and they're always playing about, acrobatics through bubble streams etc... Its always gonna be tricky with tiger barbs if you're looking for something colourful though. You could always get a nice little shoal of cardinal tetras going on?

Good luck with it! =)
How about something to take over the bottom of your tank? Possibly a tiger pleco or something along the lines? Only problem with them though is that you might not see them during the day all that much. Although I have a friend who says that his is always out all day. Or maybe some kuhli loaches? Zebra loaches can be pretty playful and active all day. I've got six on one of my tanks and they're always playing about, acrobatics through bubble streams etc... Its always gonna be tricky with tiger barbs if you're looking for something colourful though. You could always get a nice little shoal of cardinal tetras going on?

Good luck with it! =)

If we're thinking the bottom of the tank I would always recomment cory's, A nice large group of peppered, sterbai, or even plain bronze add interest to the bottom of the tank. And given the right conditions you'll be ablt to watch them breed.!

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