Boyu Conundrum?


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Hey guys, just wondering if someone could answer a quick question for me. =)

I have recently bought a Boyu 26 litre tank as shown here:

I haven't had any problems with my other tanks as of yet, but these have all been under gravel filters, and the Boyu has a top filter. It has two types of sponge and a carbon insert. I know I need to clean the sponge every now and again with old aquarium water,(after a water change probably) but is it really necessary to replace the carbon insert every 4-6 weeks?

The tank consists of 3 endlers guppys, 3 mountain minnows, a crowntail siamese fighter, 3 cherry shrimp and some live plants. So in a nutshell, I'm just wondering if carbon is all that necessary once the bacteria has established well enough.

Thanks for your help! =)
You should not need to replace carbon every 4 to 6 weeks. If you actually needed carbon, it would only be good for a few days to a week. If you don't need the carbon, don't use it. If that leaves you with adequate space for another biological medium in the filter, the biomedia would be a better use for that space.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. Considering its been in there for about 2 weeks, I guess I'll replace it pretty sharpish! =P
Carbon is really only needed if you have a problem with nasty odors in the tank or if you have been dosing medication and it is time to remove it. The rest of the time, virtually all the time for me, the carbon that comes with a new filter goes right onto the shelf so that I will have some if I ever need any. I have not bought an ounce of carbon intentionally in over 20 years. A healthy tank does not smell and I seldom ever find that I need to treat sick fish. Good clean water is usually all that is needed to keep a tank full of fish healthy.
Totally agree with OldMan47. It just isn't needed.

On a side note, the odor that comes from a healthy fish tank is earthy, not fishy. If your tank has a bad odor, something might be wrong.

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