What To Add To Tank?


New Member
Jul 24, 2009
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One of my tanks is a 96 litre juwel which is well planted and has a pair of Kribs, an albino bristlenose pleco, and three small guppies.
This seems to be an unfortunate combination because the kribs hide almost all the time so only the small guppies provide any action. Does anyone have any suggestion for something hardy that can be added to this tank that would be regularly visible and perhaps also help draw the kribs out of their hiding. I have read that kribs get more confidence when they notice other fish boldly swimming at the front of the tank.

Perhaps some small schooling fish? As I have zebra danios, neon tetras and glowlight tetras in other tanks I would choose something other than those though.

I did have a dwarf gourami in the tank but it died and I don't want any more gouramis now - rams also died (had them before the kribs).
Any kind of molly would be great in there. Just to throw out a few ideas, maybe some mountain minnows, venus or endlers guppies, normans lampeye, rosy tetras or serpae tetras. cherry barbs or platys would be a nice splash of colour in there as well. My LFS had some powder blue gouramis a while ago which where absolutely stunning, but alas, they have not had any since. Upside down catfish are always pretty entertaining, or if you can find some, I highly recommend leopard bush fish. Mine are very bold, inspecting everything in the tank very closely. And when you feed them live foods, they literally stalk them for a while before pouncing. Unfortunately though, when fully grown they might think your guppies are french fries... A friend of mine has a huge tank full of bengal loaches which are amazing to watch! =)
Any kind of molly would be great in there. Just to throw out a few ideas, maybe some mountain minnows, venus or endlers guppies, normans lampeye, rosy tetras or serpae tetras. cherry barbs or platys would be a nice splash of colour in there as well. My LFS had some powder blue gouramis a while ago which where absolutely stunning, but alas, they have not had any since. Upside down catfish are always pretty entertaining, or if you can find some, I highly recommend leopard bush fish. Mine are very bold, inspecting everything in the tank very closely. And when you feed them live foods, they literally stalk them for a while before pouncing. Unfortunately though, when fully grown they might think your guppies are french fries... A friend of mine has a huge tank full of bengal loaches which are amazing to watch! =)

Thanks for these helpful suggestions. Space is a bit limited with my present stocking ( I calculate fully grown it would come to about 17 inches of fish) but I could probably figure something out.

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