Young Ancistrus Needs You!


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Hey guys, I've recently bought a young ancistrus pleco to join the fish tank melee, but I've noticed some unsual behaviour and periodical colour changing. The middle section of his body from the dorsal fin to his eyes sometimes go very pale for about 30 minutes to an hour then he looks healthy again. He also makes occasional mad dashes to the surface and back down again, which my other two ancistrus have never done. Its a very peaceful tank, he doesn't get bothered, has plenty of hiding places and frequent water tests have shown a steady 0ppm. So I'm having a bit of trouble coming to a reasonable conclusion.... The picture I have attached shows his colour returning back to normal, it gets much worse than this.
Is there cause for concern?

Does anyone, anywhere, by any chance, have any idea what is causing this?
IMO, it is quite natural for the colour changes (they are like chameleons) and the occassional dart to the surface where a "gulp" of air is taken..... Mine does.
Ah, good. The usual case of 'irrational fishy fear' has been qualmed. Thanks. =)
I have two males (father and son) in a 63 gallon, which is just about big enough for them to have their own patch- and their own lunch served separately. But I can tell when I come into the room when Daddy and Junior have just bumped into one another, as it will show in their colouring. I can also tell who got the best of the exchange and is feeling smuggest. THis far, it has tended to be Daddy, but the last few encounters, I'm not so sure... But noone seems to get hurt, it's just those endless father-son arguments. :lol: (Preparation for my own son's teens, no doubt)

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