Brp Death


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Hello. I had a parrot fish death this morning and trying to figure out what the heck happened. :-(

I have: 3 blood red parrots, 1 black knife ghost fish, 3 kribensis, in a 125 gallon tank. I've had the parrots and black knife for 3 years.

(Will post water parameters in a bit, my test strips are expired)

A few weeks ago, I had a battle with Ich, and thought I had won.. the fish seemed to be healing, although the parrots were still hanging out near the top. I'm fairly good with my weekly water changes - if I miss one week, I'll do a few extra buckets the next week. I've done 2 water changes since the Ich treatment.

Today, I found my smallest parrot upside down under a piece of driftwood. His gills were wide open, and look feathered. Is this what gills normally look like, or am I dealing with another parasite? Any advice appreciated much. I don't want to lose another fish.

Not sounding good. Can you issolate him.

Does he look bloated or thin.
Does he look pale or darker in colour.
Any whiteness to his gills, or strands of cotton.
Any excess mucas on the gills.
Are the gills swollen.
Are the gills pale with excess mucas or red and inflamed.
Hows the fish breathing.
Do the gills look frayed at the edges.

Is it possible to load a pic up onto the site.
The one that was upside-down is the one that died last night. His gills were pale and looked feathered on the inside.

I think I may have found the problem. When I medicated, it's my understanding that this killed the good bacteria. I had no carbon in the tank since medicating, but still ran the canister filters with biomedia, and the hang-on bio wheel filter. I decided today to do a large water change and put carbon/zeolite back in the filters. When I turned one of the canisters off, a surge of week old decaying frozen brine shrimp came out. I suspect these brine added a ton of waste to the water with an already weakened bacteria system. I believe he died of ammonia poisoning.

Pre-water change and carbon/zeolite, both of the remaining parrots were near the top of the water, breathing irregularly. A few hours after the water change/carbon, they are swimming around as they would normally. I am 97% sure that he died of ammonia poisoning. I will continue with every few day water changes.. and hope for the best. Thank you for reading my post and responding :)

Glad you found the problem.
Good Luck.
Hmmm. Now I'm just not sure. My largest BRP is back at the top of the water, and his gills do look red and inflamed to me. The camera battery is charging; will get pics ASAP.
Here is the best pic I think I got..

And yes, he has always been mainly white.



Water change and increase aeration.
Red gills can be bad water quality, gill flukes, bacterial gill rot.
hows the fish breathing.
Water change and increase aeration.
Red gills can be bad water quality, gill flukes, bacterial gill rot.
hows the fish breathing.

I've already done a 30% water change today. I will increase aeration. I have to go to work now so I don't have time to do another water change yet. I will be home in just a few hours and will do it then. He seems to be breathing fairly normal right now.
Can you make the pics abit smaller as there massive.

Nobody else who could do it for you.
No one else in the house that knows how to change the water (and I don't trust them to do it :p) My shift is only about 2.5 hours. Made the pics large so you could see detail. Will resize them when I get home.. will rush home...
Just increase aeration for now then.
Im home now he is at the bottom of the tank now upside down but breathing slowly. I will do emergency 50% water change now. Ahhhh!
Doesn't sound good at all... It may be that the ammonia spike has permanently damaged the poor guys gills. There's still hope though. Keep us updated!
He has died. 2/3 BRPs dead.

The one that is left is not at the top of the water and is swimming/breathing normally. I can't see her gills. Black knife and kribs are also swimming normally.

When I tested my water, there was no ammonia but 5.0 ppm nitrAtes, could this cause the same effect?

Edit: I tested the nitrAtes wrong, and it seems that they are actually between 10 and 20 ppm. Ammonia still looks to be 0.

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