Live Food Feeding


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I bought some live bloodworms today, drained the fluid off them fed them to my tanks inc spiderman and sookie who im conditioning again =]

now my question is how much should i have fed them? theres quite a lot in the pack [i fed some to my other community tank to] but i had loads and loads of the stuff! [not bad for 45p!]

now could i open the pack take a couple out by tweezers and keep it in the fridge if im careful? or do i need to use the whole pack?

it was so much fun watching them chase it :lol:

although now im convinced that my white dragon pk is very blind =[ he didnt go after them and only happened upon them when he was cruising, poor boy :(
hiya MewMew :)

I have never feed the fishies anything live, not to keen on keeping them in the fridge. lol :)

Re: conditioning, feed the male 3 times aday and the female 3 times aday also, but feed her how much she wants.
I think possibly 3-6 worms a day for the male, then for the female till she feels full.

On a side note: 45p, i never knew it was that cheap! :D

Edit: There should be a spell checker on this thing :)
I give each of my siamese 2-3 bloodworms, you can put the pack back in the fridge after it has been opened, just remember to clip the top together. Otherwise you'll have bloodworm in your yoghurts! :hyper:
hiya MewMew :)

I have never feed the fishies anything live, not to keen on keeping them in the fridge. lol :)

Re: conditioning, feed the male 3 times aday and the female 3 times aday also, but feed her how much she wants.
I think possibly 3-6 worms a day for the male, then for the female till she feels full.

On a side note: 45p, i never knew it was that cheap! :D

Edit: There should be a spell checker on this thing :)

haha my mum isnt to keen...but i havent told her yet about these.... :shifty:

oopsie i may have over fed them, greedy guts!

I was quite surprised at the price tbh :D Ill be going there more often!

I give each of my siamese 2-3 bloodworms, you can put the pack back in the fridge after it has been opened, just remember to clip the top together. Otherwise you'll have bloodworm in your yoghurts! :hyper:

haha im sure my mum would love that :lol:

Ill remember not to feed as much next time haha...well it was a treat =D
Hi MewMew, where did you get them from for that price? U're in Manc aren't u?

I've never used live food but I've toyed with the idea of using them as a treat! A little concerned that they may turn their noses up at their regular food tho after having the good stuff. :lol:

Also how are you putting them in? Are you using a feeder or just dropping them in?
Hi MewMew, where did you get them from for that price? U're in Manc aren't u?

I've never used live food but I've toyed with the idea of using them as a treat! A little concerned that they may turn their noses up at their regular food tho after having the good stuff. :lol:

Also how are you putting them in? Are you using a feeder or just dropping them in?

Indeed I am =] well im just outside of it in Stockport, the place i went to is in Hazel Grove called Seaview aquatics its on the A6, they also get in daphnia and brineshrimp!

lol i never thought about that, but if theyre hungry enough they will eat whatever you give em im sure haha

i poured the liquid through a net so that the worms were in the net also then used tweezers to get them out [didnt really wanna touch em tbh lol] the fish sucked em up before i knew it!
Hey guys, just thought I'd add that mine take about the same amount per fish. Except from the leopard bush fish, they're just ***** greedy! My crowntail betta won't eat anything apart from live food so far though. He's cheeky! Luckily my LFS always has a good supply of bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, and they breed their own river shrimp as well. Although last time I put river shrimp in they were too big for any of them to eat, so they became new residents!

Thats a good tip with the net. I've always used a turkey baster to feed individual fish. Especially those that aren't so vigorous at feeding time! =)
Hey guys, just thought I'd add that mine take about the same amount per fish. Except from the leopard bush fish, they're just ***** greedy! My crowntail betta won't eat anything apart from live food so far though. He's cheeky! Luckily my LFS always has a good supply of bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, and they breed their own river shrimp as well. Although last time I put river shrimp in they were too big for any of them to eat, so they became new residents!

Thats a good tip with the net. I've always used a turkey baster to feed individual fish. Especially those that aren't so vigorous at feeding time! =)

@Lucky5tar5- Bettas shouldn't really be having live food all the time, its too much protien. Try Hikari Betta Bio Gold Pellets, i know most bettas love them. They improve finnage and colouration too. On Ebay they are around £1.69. :)
Hey guys, just thought I'd add that mine take about the same amount per fish. Except from the leopard bush fish, they're just ***** greedy! My crowntail betta won't eat anything apart from live food so far though. He's cheeky! Luckily my LFS always has a good supply of bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, and they breed their own river shrimp as well. Although last time I put river shrimp in they were too big for any of them to eat, so they became new residents!

Thats a good tip with the net. I've always used a turkey baster to feed individual fish. Especially those that aren't so vigorous at feeding time! =)

@Lucky5tar5- Bettas shouldn't really be having live food all the time, its too much protien. Try Hikari Betta Bio Gold Pellets, i know most bettas love them. They improve finnage and colouration too. On Ebay they are around £1.69. :)

I was looking at the betta pellets on ebay =] i could only find the 2g ones though, do they only need a couple of pellets a day? if it will last a while then i may get some =]
@ MewMew,
hiya :)
its 2.5g, and with my 4 male bettas i have 1/3 of the packet left,i brought it 2 months ago.

I highly recocmmend it though, they go through it like no ones business, they love it. I personally feed them about 3 in the morning and then 2 at night. I did used to feed them more than that, but they are slighlty overwieght. Then you have the Bloodworm day, followed by the pea day, then the fast. :)
hey :)

thanks for the help =]

I'll look into getting some this friday when i get paid =] I have 3 soon to be 6 so i might have to be getting 2 lol

MewMew- Here's what I do to make bloodworm last and keep them safe in the fridge without having to use the bag or tie it ect ( it can easily tip over and pour them everywhere >.< ) .

Take an empty jam jar and clean it and it's lid with boiling water.

Get a fork or knife and jab a hole or two in the lid for air.

Pour in your bloodworm with a little bit of their liquid ( pour the rest away ) fill the rest of the jar halfway with some tankwater.

Stick the lid on and keep them in a safe place in the fridge where they won't be knocked over. I keep mine in one of the doorshelves/holders

Mine keep for about a week like this. To feed them I use a small plastic pipette to suck them up and squirt them into the tank.
ohhhh that sounds like a plan =]

I'l open another pack on thurs [i think i fed too much today lol] and try it out

and the pippette! i was sort of squishing them with the tweezers >.<
Does that work with other live food honeythorn? I've tried brineshrimp, but they're too big for my endlers. Daphnia only last a couple of days though, although I have just been keeping them in their opened bags in the fridge.
Are live bloodworms big like the ones you get frozen?
Are live bloodworms big like the ones you get frozen?

the ones ive got are rather small, but there are loads of them, whereas ive seen them huge at other places! i think it depends where you get them from

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