Brp Death

Was that testing 5.0ppm nitrate -after- the big water change you mentioned you were going to do? If so it must have been quite an ammonia spike to produce all of that. Nitrates can be harmful in large quantities, but I'm leaning towards an ammonia spike more than anything. Thats mainly because I've known fins and gills to go pretty red if a fish is exposed to high amounts of ammonia all at once. Its commonly known as ammonia burn. All of that decaying brine shrimp has taken its toll. Keep an eye on your water parameters, have another check in the morning etc. Hopefully you've cured the most of it with the water change. If you do have a suitable hospital tank now might be the time to use it if your test results are still slightly on the dodgy side.

Always sucks to lose a fish. These things happen though, don't beat yourself up over it.

Edit to your edit: That just goes to show how much ammonia there must have been in there. That nitrate had to come from somewhere!
Yes, these results are after the: 25% change yesterday, 30% change this morning, and 50% this afternoon.

Gah, I don't think I'll EVER feed brine again. These 3 BRPs were the first 3 fish I've ever owned. It's really difficult not to be extremely upset with myself.. :'( I think I need a good cry.

I just hope the last one survives. If she dies, my brain is going to explode. I'll test the water again in the morning and post updates. Thanks for the input!
Thats a lot of water changing...! I know how it feels, I remember being gutted when I lost my first ever blue ram. (MR.T!) Still, its good you've got the carbon in there now, the meds might well have had an extremely adverse effect with your filter media, but fingers crossed it sorts itsself out quick. =)

Anyways, get some good sleep tonight so you can approach it with a fresh head tomorrow. =)
The BRP that is left looks to be fine, as do the kribs and black knife. Nitrates this morning seem to be at a 10. Is another water change at order?
Bless Him R.I.P.

What your nitrite reading.
Liquid test kits are the best. Test strip cards are not accurate.

What your tap nitrate reading.

If any changes get back to the board.
Good Luck.

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