Eager Beave...Betta!


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Just picked up another betta for the new tank. Everything seemed normal in the shop, but when I got him home 20 mins later, I noticed he'd started building a bubble nest in the bag! And now he's in the tank, he's started again in the back corner. Obviously not a fussy little guy. I just think it was pretty lucky I got him a female or he'd have gone to all that effort for nothing! Although it doesn't seem like she's too interested right now, (why would she be after being in there for just a few hours!?) I'm hoping they get there in the end.

I'm gonna get soome pics up soon, hopefully later on tonight. But the main thing I wanted to ask you guys is for help naming them both. After naming 100 or so fish, it'd be nice if you guys could come up with something that suits them when you see the pics. =)
So here they are. The female was easy to get a good pic off, although I did just notice she's got a bit of a nip out of her tail, but hopefully this'll heal quickly. The male however, would -not- sit still! Finally got a couple, but they're not exactly amazing... =)




The first pic I tried to get of the female turned out to be a bit of a classic... Just as I get her in my sights, the frog dashes in to take all the glory! Tshh!

Is that white colouring streaking his tail? Very pretty pair you got there.

Sorry but no names are jumping out at me, mayabe Sapphire for the girl?
Yeah, the white streaks jumped out at me in the store. So far they're getting on well in there. Hopefully I'll get a better pic of him if he decides to pose...
Really unusual but totally stunning.
Saw a gorgeous betta today and i wanted to rescue him from the excuse of a petshop he was in but i couldn't cos i have nowhere for him to live :sad: He was a really unusual purplish red colour but your boy is far more beautiful
Hi, very nice bettas, but you haven't got them both in the same tank have you? if so you need to remove the female as soon as you can, she doesn't appear eggy at present and is no way near breeding condition so she will be attacked by the male, if they are not together then I apologise, it's just that it is not too clear on your posts! :good:
Hi, very nice bettas, but you haven't got them both in the same tank have you? if so you need to remove the female as soon as you can, she doesn't appear eggy at present and is no way near breeding condition so she will be attacked by the male, if they are not together then I apologise, it's just that it is not too clear on your posts! :good:

I was also about to say that...
Hi, very nice bettas, but you haven't got them both in the same tank have you? if so you need to remove the female as soon as you can, she doesn't appear eggy at present and is no way near breeding condition so she will be attacked by the male, if they are not together then I apologise, it's just that it is not too clear on your posts! :good:

Yeah, no worries. They're in the same tank with a divider at the moment. He doesn't seem to have flared her yet (or any other of the fish in there) but I wouldn't trust him just based on that.

As for personality, they're both still settling in really. He does appear very quick compared to other bettas I've kept, and curious about absolutely everything. He's also built a pretty decent bubble nest at the back of the tank. Can't see it that well though because the light on a boyu doesn't cover the back of the tank that well. The female is always hanging around with her froggy friend now. Wherever he goes, she follows. A bit strange, no? =)
Ha ha, I like it. So its Princess and I've decided after much deliberation to name the male Meatball for some reason or other... =)

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