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  1. G

    Bleeding Heart Tetra Has Weird Spot [Pic]

    Been doing some looking around and it seems to maybe resemble Pleistophora or Neon tetra disease. What do you guys think? Unfortunately i dont have a hospital tank but i dont want my other fish to get infected. Input please? I Dont want to but im thinking about euthanizing the poor guy.
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    Bleeding Heart Tetra Has Weird Spot [Pic]

    Hey guys my tank has been running for about 2 months with fish and today have discovered this fish with a weird discoloration. Its not on his skin but seems to be internal. His behavior is also very eratic and twitchy and scares the other fish. My tank has 8 bleeding heart terta, 6 peppered...
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    Advise On Stocklist?

    I would also up the corries 1 or 2 more. 6 is the minimum that most prefer. Other then that it looks like a awesome stock!
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    Aquaclear 50 Carbon Bag Ripped

    Alright that what I figured. Replacing 1/3 of the media should also be fine without harm correct?
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    Aquaclear 50 Carbon Bag Ripped

    Hey guys today I was cleaning my AquaClear 50 filter and noticed that the Carbon insert is ripped in the corner and cleaned it all up in tank water and folded the corner so it would be fine for now. Should I replace this with another Carbon insert or just buy a second sponge?
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    Fish In A 20 Gallon Tropical Tank?

    Is this a 20gallon long or high?
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    Your Views On Column Fish Tanks

    omg that beast is 5 foot 7? I would also like to now how you'd be able to stick plants into the substarte :fun:
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    Looking For Wood

    ^lol, I think when and if I rescape my tank im going to order a nice piece from them.
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    My Planted 10G ...lets Create Together

    Haha lets see we got a Devil french fry guy and a bullsht button. This tank seems perfect to me :hey:
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    Looking For Wood

    I ran across this site with many different pieces of beautiful wood.
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    Adding Stock To My Tank - Help!

    With that set up and that massive tank bolivian rams should be no problem at all. I have two bolivian rams in my 30" with bleeding heart tetras and corys and they dont bug anyone but each other. Just make sure that if they breed you have the proper resources as any fish that approaches them...
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    New 29Gal Glass Aquarium.

    ^ No I wouldn't bother with testing nitrates until your ammonia and nitrite start processing to 0 in 12 hours.
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    At that point it would be best to just find a different piece of wood as this undried would will leak alot of things into the tank that you dont want. If you really enjoy it i would recomend to just let it sit out and dry for a year.
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    My Planted 10G ...lets Create Together

    LOL i thought that was a cut out placed in the tank. Its from the adult cartoon "aqua teen hunger force"
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    A Pictorial Guide To Setting Up A New Tank With Seeded Media

    Great update! I can see this being helpful for many people including myself on how to seed a new tank.
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    Is This Iver Stocking ?

    Not to be rude, But just curious as to why your asking if your overstocked and then not taking the advise people are giving you? This is a great forum and the less you listen to people the less people will want to help you out. Just like the others have said I also would recommend the Cardinal...
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    Show Off Your Tank!

    Hey man of fish if your looking for a tetratec ex1200 i have found out that they do have them here in the states but or sold and rebranded under the marineland c series canister filters.
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    Bolivian Rams For 29Gal (110L)

    I have two large pieces of bog wood, and about 6 plants but do plan on filling the tank with more plants.
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    Bolivian Rams For 29Gal (110L)

    ^ they would be tank raised.
  20. G

    Bolivian Rams For 29Gal (110L)

    Allright guys i posted this in the new tank section but only recived one reply and i would like to see what more people think about it. Currently i have 8 bleeding heart tetras, and 6 pepper corries. I Keep my water temp around 76-77F (24.5-25c) my PH is 8.0 and is very hard. I want to add a...
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    Stocking My 29 Gallon (110L)

    Last bump to see if anyone had input. If i were to get two how would i pick them out?
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    Stocking My 29 Gallon (110L)

    Thanks! Your the one that has defined the whole stock in my tank :) Does any one else have any input on the pair of Bolivian rams?
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    Bleeding Heart Tetra Changed To A Much Darker Color.

    Well today i was out of the house and upon returning i have found that my bleeding heart tetras have become extremely dark, A few of them have there whole body at a grayish tint to them. Is this normal? I feed them bloodworms today for the first time and yesterday i introduced 6 peppered...
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    Stocking My 29 Gallon (110L)

    Hey guys some of you may have known that I recently finished cycling my 29 gallon (110L) aquarium and am in the process of stocking it. Last week a bought 8 bleeding heart tetra that have been doing great. This week (Today) i have bought 6 Peppered cories that I will soon be introducing to the...
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    January 2012 Pet Of The Month Voting Poll.

    Aww celia is so cute, Its just so curious in its blue little blanket.
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    Feeding Bleeding Heart Tetras

    Alright thanks for the quick help guys I appreciate it, puts my mind at ease a bit. Just fed them and most of them eat a tad as it was falling and a few darted to the top real fast splashing water out of my tank. Im just worried then when i get my Dwarf gourami in a few weeks that he may eat...
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    Feeding Bleeding Heart Tetras

    Hey guys i got 8 bleeding heart tetras on the 11th and feeding them seems to be semi difficult. They wont come up to the top and get the food and usually only go for it when it sinks down, and even then they suck it in then spit it out but im unable to see if they actually eat any of it. So far...
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    ^ Although you may like them i would recommend that you take them back to your lfs and find something that is suitable for a 10 gallon tank. Danios are recommended to be in a 3 to 4 foot tank. How long have you had the fish and tank set up for?
  29. G

    Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

    After feeding flake today the fish only semi ate them as they were falling to the bottom. Is this normal? Is there any tricks to get them to the top? Alot of times when they suck it in they just spit it back out, its hard to tell if them have eaten any of it.
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    Speeding My Cycle

    Take a gander at this, This has everything that will have to be done durring a Fish-In cycle. It is very important that you invest in some kind of liqiud test kit. The only thing that can be done to speed this cycle and to make the environment safer for your fish would be to ask someone with a...
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    Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

    Allright ive had my 8 bleeding hear tetras for about 30 hours now an all seems fine. My parameters are 0 and 0 have not checked nitrates yet. I did not feed them the night i put them in, But i tried to feed them 24 hours after that point and they wouldn't eat there new life spectrum pellets. My...
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    New 29Gal Glass Aquarium.

    ^ If you upload your photos online it will give you multiple codes, just copy and paste the code that starts with [IMG]
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    Just About To Plant My 29G

    Allright just bought some plants today. Now these are what the labels said so idk how accurate these plants were labeled. Hopefully you guys can confirm for me? ^ No clue what that plant was. ^Crypt ^Amazon sword.
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    Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

    Cheers!!! My tank has finally finished cycling!! it has been clearing the ammonia and nitrite both in 12 hours for the last 4 days! I think i may go out and get my Bleeding hearts today, but will sure get some plants today. Thank you all very much that helped especially you eagle, you are the...
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    Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

    Cool thanks! What kind/ Brand of flake and pellets do you use?
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    Just About To Plant My 29G

    Opps sorry about that my tank is a 29g tank. My current lights are the aqueon 17w t8 and later I will upgrade to a t5ho package.
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    Fluval 405 Leaking, Tired Everything...

    Hey quick question about the tetratec x1200. I have been looking for one as a possible candidate to replace my HOB later on down the road, but I relised they are not available in the US at all. I just found out that they look identical to the marineland C series filter. Is this because they are...
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    Just About To Plant My 29G

    Hey guys my tank is in the final process of cycling and i am starting to think of what plants to plant. Now i mad the mistake of buying a not so well light so im just going to work around this part for now and upgrade later. My light is a Aqueon t8 17w, yes i know it sucks. My question is what...
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    Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

    Allright so as im waiting to check the water what are some food/ eating recommendations you guys would recommend. I want some examples of some feeding regimes and what brands you guys like the most.