Stocking My 29 Gallon (110L)


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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Carlsbad, California
Hey guys some of you may have known that I recently finished cycling my 29 gallon (110L) aquarium and am in the process of stocking it. Last week a bought 8 bleeding heart tetra that have been doing great. This week (Today) i have bought 6 Peppered cories that I will soon be introducing to the tank. Now next week im not sure if i want a dwarf gourami or a Bolivian ram. Is it possible to add both of those guys? If not ill probably choose the bolivian because i dont like the Dwarf gourami disease. I keep my water at 76-77*f. Any recommendations with the ram?
I'd go with the bolivian ram, and get 2 rather than 1. They're full of personality, and tough as nails. You'd have no problems with them. IME, dwarf gouramis can be a bit fragile, especially if you get them from a big name company store, where 80% seem to be diseased or deformed.

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