Is This Iver Stocking ?


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2012
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64litre tank i was thinking
2bolivian rams
6 albino corys
8-10 cardinals
8-10 danios
????? Galaxy rasboras
Sand gravel planted bog wood
Yes well overstocked.

IMO the only fish that should be in that tank out of that stocking list is:

6 albino cories and 8-10 cardinals
I'd say at least 3 for danios buy that's IMO.
IMO means In my opinion. No rams either.
I'd say at least 3 for danios buy that's IMO.
Wat does IMO mean and il get everything i sayed except danios
Not to be rude, But just curious as to why your asking if your overstocked and then not taking the advise people are giving you? This is a great forum and the less you listen to people the less people will want to help you out.

Just like the others have said I also would recommend the Cardinal shoal and the albino corries.
64litre tank i was thinking
2bolivian rams
6 albino corys
8-10 cardinals
8-10 danios
????? Galaxy rasboras
Sand gravel planted bog wood

As with others, don't get the rams or the danios, but do get the Galaxy Rasboras (aka Celestial Pearl Danios) If you were dead set on a cichlid, then look at some of the smaller apisto species, or you could go for a male Fighter (aka Betta)

oblivion rams

*snigger*, I love auto-correct fails.
as others have said, that is way to many fish to have in a 64l tank. I don't even have near that many in my 29g (110L) tank. I would cut the amount of corys in half and get around 6 or 7 cardinals out of your list.
as others have said, that is way to many fish to have in a 64l tank. I don't even have near that many in my 29g (110L) tank. I would cut the amount of corys in half and get around 6 or 7 cardinals out of your list.

He can't do that either because both those species are shoaling fish that need groups of 6+ and cardinals are too big for that tank IMO and the danios are too active. The corys wont really do much in terms of stocking, yes they'll count just not like the others will.
So he must take out:
-danios because they're too active
-rams because they're too big
Leaving him with a nice stocking of
6- corys
6-8-galaxy rasboras
8-10 cardinals
MAYBE Something else Of his choice (as long as it works)
In a about 16 gallon tank which IMO is a decent stock.
In my 16 gallon I was planning to have 3 male guppies 3 male endlers 12 neons 6 Pygmys and a male Betta right now I still need a couple more pyrmgys, a couple more guppies, and 1 more endler. This stocking looks great in my tank IMO

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