Bleeding Heart Tetra Has Weird Spot [Pic]


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
Hey guys my tank has been running for about 2 months with fish and today have discovered this fish with a weird discoloration. Its not on his skin but seems to be internal. His behavior is also very eratic and twitchy and scares the other fish. My tank has 8 bleeding heart terta, 6 peppered corys and 2 Bolivian rams and no other fish show any type of familiar symptom. I change my water about 50% every week and my temp is kept at 76-77 Degress ferenhight also my tank size is 29 gallons (120L)
1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
Amm. 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 10ppm
ph 8 Temp 76 77 F

2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
Abnormal dark/white spot also erratic swimming
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
50% weekly
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
8 Bleeding Hearts, 6 corys, 2 bolivian rams

6. Tank size.
29 gal 120L
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?
Been doing some looking around and it seems to maybe resemble Pleistophora or Neon tetra disease. What do you guys think? Unfortunately i dont have a hospital tank but i dont want my other fish to get infected. Input please?

I Dont want to but im thinking about euthanizing the poor guy.

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