Just About To Plant My 29G


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
Hey guys my tank is in the final process of cycling and i am starting to think of what plants to plant. Now i mad the mistake of buying a not so well light so im just going to work around this part for now and upgrade later. My light is a Aqueon t8 17w, yes i know it sucks. My question is what kind of plants can i use in this aquarium? I have a sand substrate and am willing to dose with flourish or other needed chems. The plant i enjoy the most is the anacharis plant but ill take any recommendations that would work.
What size is the tank?

If it works out as low light then you can start with plants that will grow happily in lower light, and then get plants that prefer higher light later when you upgrade it :)
Opps sorry about that my tank is a 29g tank. My current lights are the aqueon 17w t8 and later I will upgrade to a t5ho package.
With that level of light I imagine your best bet would be Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, Swords and Cryptocorynes. The Anubias and Java Fern and moss have the added advantage that they are attached to rocks or wood rather than planted in the substrate, so you can position them closer to the light source if you wish.

Let us know how you get on :good:
Allright just bought some plants today. Now these are what the labels said so idk how accurate these plants were labeled. Hopefully you guys can confirm for me?



^ No clue what that plant was.


^Amazon sword.

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