My Planted 10G ...lets Create Together


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2012
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Hello friends i am here with another crack at it on working at my epic ten gallon.. a lot of you here may not appreciate my tank or how it looks but it has come a long way to reach where it has now i will post a picture with the current set up which the main focus is a piece of drift wood and an old photo where it had funny gravel o.0..i don't want ton here " i don't like it" that doesn't help me or you. please give me helpful hints that will lead me in the a better direction to making my tank better :hyper: The plants in the right are water sprites i like them they look like little bushes. hidden under the wood is an anubis plant . attached to the wood is a piece of java moss waiting for it to attach. i have some cryptos and a strange plant that im not sure in on the left hand side. 7 neons 5 shrimp 3 corys and 1 betta reside there now


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    tank nw.jpg
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old tank.. ive come along way thus far


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Looking good

(what are you watching on tv looks like a devil with french fries for hair lol?)
Looking good

(what are you watching on tv looks like a devil with french fries for hair lol?)
LOL i thought that was a cut out placed in the tank. Its from the adult cartoon "aqua teen hunger force"

haha, I thought that was an in tank decoration. Nearly praised you for finding and using a Frylock model! :lol:

Personally, I like the tank, but I feel the scape is just too nude. For me, I would want to see more planting going in and/or hardscape. I appreciate however that with 10g to work in, it is very easy to overcrowd and go to the opposite extreme...

Maybe some forground would work nicely? like ricca/moss tied around slate? Put that in the frant laft across ~1/3rd of the tanks, move the ferns back, and fill them out a bit with a couple more (personally I prefere amazon swords to do that job, may be worth a look in). You could tie the Java fern to the top left of the driftwood, fill the back left with Swords/Vallis etc to give you some height, a carpet in the front will give it the depth. See how that suits you? If you liek it, then you can look at properly scaping the rest of the tank to make sure you get your focal points etc set up :good:

1 minor bug at you. That gravel is a bit shoddy for the cory's barbels, they would prefere sand, and your plants will often do better in finer grain gravel. But it is nigh on impossible to get black sand, which really contrasts your fish well. So just a thought for you to consider :)
It's shaping up real nice. I especially like the contrast of the green plants, Albino Cories, and the Neons with the black gravel. Makes me consider changing mine from natural to black.
Lol thank u all keep the comments coming I'm loving the feed back . Any plant suggestions and placement I have ok lighting 15 watt t5 nurta grow light .

And yes It's a bull ish button lol

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